Always online is bad period. Yes it may add a new layer to gaming, but at the end it's just an attempt of publishers to establish dictatorship and have control over a product we the consumers should control. It's like a "big brother" scenario and I personally don't approve it. Let me play online or offline at my option and we are cool, but not allowing me to play at all if not on their terms is so low.
@Venatorcruiser Yeah but remember games are all about the suspension of disbelief, and the way Brody transitions from Bachelor to Warrior is enough to put him in an AH-64 longbow next, but I agree, some narco homemade tank fits better. But since there's WW2 equipment around Rooke maybe an old rehabilitated tank could be plausible.
@Venatorcruiser @jagcivtec Yes, but the BMP is also an APC, an amphibious APC, but if I picked it when I say I love tanks is because it's the closest thing to a tank that can be realistically introduced into the game's setting. It has armor, runs on tracks and has a decent main gun, see my point.
@Venatorcruiser @jagcivtec I hear you, but I'm guilty of loving tanks and knowing an M1A2 or similar MBT isn't going to happen I went with the more accessible and common rebel APC that could realistically be introduced into the game. Or maybe a Sherman since there is WW2 equipment on the island.
This game is big enough to tolerate more vehicles, which it needs. I say an armed helicopter and an armed combat vehicle like a BMP1 APC. Ofcourse the enemy will have them too so you can go toe to toe. How about adding that Napalm air strike from multiplayer to the campaign? The code already exist so not so hard to implement, and like I said, the world is big enough for this. BTW, add a bridge to join the islands, driving is huge fun and joining the islands would mean great driving expeditions across.
Add a flying vehicle the player can use, like that chopper Hoyt uses. The world is huge and beautiful and flying from one island to another or just over the whole world would great, which can't be done with the glider because it constantly drops.
jagcivtec's comments