Happy to hear this. Big TR fan but I was worried this would be another quick time event fest piece of crap like Resident Evil 6, as that's what trailers led me to believe, and seeing so many good games go that way (blame CoD).
I wasn't jumping in to this, independently of being one of my favorite series, until reviews gave me the green light. Glad to see not everyone is trying to appeal the CoD sheep. Good to have you back Lara.
@Prats1993 I feel the need to correct you, Call of Duty is the most overrated franchise in history. Now, depending on your response to this statement I could judge what you are.
Kojima is my idol, that's a man's attitude. I will buy this game period, anyways, controversy sells so I think he's just doing exactly that, creating controversy to get those sales to skyrocket.
For one I can say Far Cry 3 went into some sensitive themes, and it can be called a sucessful game. Go forward kojima, you're backed up by us.
So, maybe next gen consoles will be able to run a ported version. With simplified controls ofcourse. See, the console market needs this game, so CoD fans can see what playing a real modern warfare game is, and be ashamed.
Developers must be ripping their hair off their heads. The consumer wins, what many called "rants" had to be a factor in this decision, people letting their voices be heard.
@CivilizedPsycho I can tell you never had an XBOX360 go RROD on you while playing your favorite, highly anticipated, recently purchased game ,because I think you would be disappointed with Microsoft too.
At least they're designing the hardware to be used in producing better graphics plus improving things like physics, I'd be disappointed if they only worried about visuals and put gameplay in the back seat.
jagcivtec's comments