It is a game that catches my interest, but will have to wait until the price drops because of the ridiculously short campaign. Looks like the best CRYSIS yet but also the shortest one. 5 hour campaign is not worth $60.
I liked SR3 so SR4 would be a nice addition to already good library of recent open world extravaganza. Far Cry 3, GTA 5 coming soon, Just Cause 3 possibly in development, this might be a good year, add a reboot of Mercenaries (more like 1 less like 2) and it will be gaming heaven for open world lovers.
Sorry, just not very true, I have not purchased Crysis 3 because it's ridiculously short, not because I'm fatigued. I will eventually buy it at a lower price, but not full price, see, the amount of content is one of the main factors I consider to buy new releases.
@nanquan72 Ninja were as real as you are. They came to be when farmers got fed up of Samurai abuse and started training in deceiving the enemy with disguise and tricks while using farming and other odd tools as weapons. They were so effective that the ninja ended up as clan of hired assassins that used stealth and deception to kill, which wasn't the norm then.
@EmphaZima The Ninja were an amazing culture, rich with religion and sorcery, masters of the art of covert assassination and guerilla tactics. Pirates, hmmm...well, very drunk, disorderly with poor hygiene. See my point.
I hate all that is pirate related, from their clothing to their dialogue. Give me some amazing gameplay elements and I might tolerate the pain of playing a pirate game, else, pass.
One of my favorite games ever. GeoMod was the first destructible environments I saw in action and was very impressive. Lengthy campaign, solid mechanics, immersive story, awesome level design, overall a great game.
Halo 4 has won several awards, but RE 6 gets it's first and only award in the audio department. That's enough to understand how crappy the rest of the game elements are.
@Smokescreened84 @Hammershock6 @Darthbawls @petedj1300 @lyncer777 Damn you if you make such an issue out of male/female character I can't imagine what you will do with games that have you playing as an alien, animal, robot, etc.
jagcivtec's comments