Devices that are always connected are normally phones. I would like to see Microsoft and some game companies try always online console games and they will see with numbers that this is not a good idea. I say to all gamers is to use better judgement and let the company do this and we will show them what we want.
They will hear the gamers sing, singing the songs the angry men.
@quantumtheo SP is very underrated but I believe you and I were born in an age were we only had SP and we got some really good SP campaigns. In this new generation and this new generation of gamers all they want is multiplayer. I know some people who didn't play Vanquish because it was SP only.
@cpenney96 It isn't but it is one of the biggest because it costs the most money when it comes down to production. I also agree with your COD comment. I got it for my Wii U but now I can't play it because it is just boring. I have an article on my blog about it.
@cpenney96 Your friends are part of the problem. People spend a lot of time and money to make those games that they just steal. One reason people want next gen is because the production costs will actually go down because they are hoping they will be easier to develop for. That is why it was so important for the PS4 to have PC architecture; the ease of production. The problem today, I believe, is what Tom said and that is the rat race for the prettiest game and the large emergence of multiplayer games. Instead of people going out and buying new games after they beat them, they play multiplayer until the next game comes out (you can guess what I'm talking about) Not with just that game though but people won't go out and buy another game because a multiplayer component will hold them over for months and they won't buy another game until some other multiplayer looks good.
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