@TirOrah Digital should by all rights be significantly cheaper because you're sending physical retailers out of business.
Digital-only still means that only people with unlimited high-speed broadband can play lots of games, especially considering the size games are becoming.
@SavoyPrime I didn't really understand those comments. It almost sounds like they're different games, because if you're excited about the bigger world, new-gen blah blah, it by definition can't be simultaneously on current-gen. I'm confused?
So now that the politicians recognise that a very small percentage of the large proportion of the population that suffers from mental illness has a propensity for horrendous violence, how about starting to talk about about how we can fund support and protection measures for these people. Instead of trying uselessly to remove one of the potential stimuli for violent behaviour, let us treat the sick themselves.
@PokingVictim Because it was months ago that people started complaining, and it proves that everything they were saying about the restrictions being integral and necessary were lies to cover up their blatant anti-consumer data-whoring.
@mamelon2012 Why not? They're not at Code Red 24/7. They have a hard as something/poop job and deserve all the little bits of downtime they get.
It sucks more so because so many military people are playing XBox 360 that the military designs the air and land based robots that the soldiers use to be controlled by an XBox controller.
@huerito323 In most the world broadband internet doesn't exist, and for the most part where it does it is becoming more expensive and download limits are becoming increasingly restricted. There was this dream of everyone having unlimited fast internet but it's gone now. Digital only will never be feasible or sustainable because game sales will plummet.
@abbasreza Titanfall is a release exclusive. I think MS just paid a bucket for it too boost their small launch library, but it will spread eventually. I haven't heard anything solid but I would expect it to be on PC at least within about 6 months of launch.
@Stonecutters908 That doesn't correlate to the experience of film. Sure Nolan and Spielberg, or Cameron can sell a billion dollar franchise on their name. But smaller film directors such as von Trier, Aronofsky, etc. also generate alot of buzz for their films on name recognition without making anything even close to a tent-peg film
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