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Rate my retail purchases part 2:

Yesterday, I preordered MGS3:S at gamestop. They didn't have the limited edition for that, but if I come in early enough, they said they'll save one for me. Anyways, I also got a free preorder bonus DVD. Look's very nice >_> <_<.

Month 3: Old school/Gaming/PC month

It's finally March, and I've got quite a few plans down the road. In addition to aquiring funds for upgrading my PC, I will also try to rebuy some old school consoles (specifically a NES, SNES, Genesis, and PS1), as well as picking up some new games, such as Oblivion, MGS3:S, LoZ: CE, and LoZ: MQ. Hopefully, everything should go according to plan and work out.

X1900XTX, 7900 GTX, or 7800 GTX SLI?

I know this place isn't really a place to ask hardware related questions, but I just can't really bring myself to post in the PC hardware forum. Just doesn't seem right. Anyways, in about May, I plan to upgrade my video card. I currently have a 7800 GTX 256 MB, and are looking to choose from the above choices. Cost is not a concern with me: I just want the fastest performing solution. Which should I get? I know the 7900 GTX benchmarks aren't out yet, but still.

How has this game gotten so easy (possible spoilers for OOT)?

I just cleared the Fire Temple, and I must admit that OOT is a lot easier than I remember, essentialy too easy to be fun IMO. Not only have I blasted through all the dungeons, but I've only died 2 times so far, beaten all the bosses in less than 10 minutes, and destroyed more than half the spiders of the skutulla curse. Of course, this game is very old and should naturally be easier than it was first regarded to be, but it shouldn't be this easy. Or maybe it's about time I picked up Master's Quest.

Finally played OOT again today..

I know I may be on vacation, but that simple fact doesn't stop me from gaming for one second. I finally took the time to start replaying OOT for the first time in like 3 or 4 years today. Gameplay I found was just as open-ended and flowing as it did back then. Now, of course the graphics seem much more dated than they did back in the day, but I found the sound to still hold up well today. Not bad for a 7+ year old game IMO. Anyways, while it is as still as well as I remember it, that doesn't stop me from saying that MM was superior to it in some ways. That's all I have to say for now (BTW, if you wondering how I posted this on vacation, I'm currently in an Internet cafe on the resort).

May be gone for a while.....

For the next week or so, I'm going to Orlando during my winter break like I do every year. I may be able to find some Internet access down there, but for the most part, I should be out of contact with this place. I can't bring my PC with me, and for the most part I'll be stuck with playing assorted GBA, GC, DS, N64, and PSP games (they are the lightest to bring). I'll see you later!

Level 23!

Just reached level 23 today. It wasn't a long time ago at all when I hit level 22 , so I think the level system is really starting to appreciate me again (I know I said that before, but still).

Rate my online purchases part two:

Yesterday I preordered the Collector's Edition of Star Wars: Empire at War from ebgames. The demo was very good, and I have high hopes for this game. If it isn't AAA, I believe that it will be high-AA, but nevertheless, I have the feeling this game wil own.