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Month Two: Old school month

I think I'll take this month to go back to my roots. As I may have mentioned before, I accidently sold all my old school systems about a year and a half ago, and now I really want them back. I'll take the time to buy some new systems from ebay (including a NES, SNES, a Genesis, and a PS1), and also rebuy some software for each.

Rate my retail purchases part one:

1. Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA)

2. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)

3. Far Cry Instincts (Xbox)

Makes my backlog that much longer. It's going to take me a long time to play through everything.

Level 22!

That was fast. Only a couple weeks after becoming level 21, I have rapidly reached level 22. Blaster Master! I think the level system is starting to really like me again :D!

I have a very busy year ahead of me.....

As I might have told you before, I've been out of the gaming situation for a long time, and I need to really get back on track. I have a number of key things to do this year: get a job, rebuild my PC, learn PC management skills, buy a ****load of games, etc. All of this is going to cost me a lot of money, and I've already made plans on how I'm going to make it all, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. I've been thinking about this for a long time, so if everything goes as I hope it will, I'll be right on schedule again.

Level 21!

Sorry I couldn't post this yesterday, but I've finally reached level 21! It has been a very long time since the forum change and the time that I jumped from level 18 to level 20, but it looks as though my level is really starting to pick up again. Rescue Ranger. Sounds interesting. Wasn't that the name of some movie too?

Month one: Orientation Month

It's finally 2006 and it's time to bring my plan into effect. Month one is Orientation Month, when I will try to fix out all of my loose ends in gaming, and try to be as efficient as possible in becoming skilled in multiplayer games, and planning out my next year. I shall start by getting all of the things I want to get with the remaining money I have. Next step will be posted after this one is complete. See my previous blog post to see what I have planned.

Next purchases I will make...

1. 7800 GTX 512 MB (after selling 7800 GTX 256 MB)

2. X-FI card (after selling Audigy 2 ZS)

3. New 5.1 Speakers

4. Civilization 4 (Collector's Edition if I can)

5. Starcraft

6. Warcraft 3

7. Darwinia

8. Ragdoll Kung Fu

9. PC working and modification equipment

That's all I know of off the top of my head.

Next year, I'm going to try something new.

Starting with the new year tonight, I'm going to be doing something called "the Theme of the Month" for the whole year next year. Basically what it is that I take a particular theme/type/genre of gaming, and that will be my primary focus for the month. Expect me to update this thing far more often now and expect me to be as crazy as ever in catching up in the gaming world.