[QUOTE="jhuff1"]I have a second job where I basically sit around in my own room sometimes for a whole weekend. I started thinking about how I could play PS3 there? There is no TV in the room. I thought about buying a monitor but was curious about how it will look. Some have HDMI ports whereas others have DVI but I believe you can get a converter. I would prefer a smaller screen so as not to be bulky but it seems to be harder to get an HDMI port on the smaller ones. I also thought about getting a new laptop and playing it through there but this would be more expensive. Do some laptops have HDMI ports or has anyone out there played their PS3 thru a laptop screen? ThanksSylar--
You never answered the first question. What the hell kinda job is it and how much does it pay? I am a physician in fellowship (sub specialty training). So for extra money I am the house doc at these LTACs where patients get long term care (i.e. need antibiotics for 6 weeks). I sit and babysit and I am only called for emergencies($50/hr). Now help me with my question?
I'm lovin Killzone & think you can't go wrong pickin it! I have R2 but haven't played it much yet (just checked it out a little). R2 looks great though and I'll get around to it soon enough but probably gonna play deadspace next since I am engrossed in KZ2 to avoid to many FPS's at once(after I beat RE5--on the last level).
I have a second job where I basically sit around in my own room sometimes for a whole weekend. I started thinking about how I could play PS3 there? There is no TV in the room. I thought about buying a monitor but was curious about how it will look. Some have HDMI ports whereas others have DVI but I believe you can get a converter. I would prefer a smaller screen so as not to be bulky but it seems to be harder to get an HDMI port on the smaller ones. I also thought about getting a new laptop and playing it through there but this would be more expensive. Do some laptops have HDMI ports or has anyone out there played their PS3 thru a laptop screen? Thanks
1.MGS4 2.Bioshock 3.LBP 4.Resistance 2 5.DeadSpace 6.Valkyria Chronicles 7.RE5 8.KZ2 9. SF4 10. Fear 2 Still tryin to get ot them all as I haven't had my PS3 that long. Great games though!
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