@sladakrobot:and made sound chips for the SNES before that. This is neither of those though since it's Sony Music- think of it like the Seattle Mariners, now only a minor ownership by Nintendo, making games, people could twist the headlines to say that Nintendo is now making games for Sony. These clickbait headlines do that...
@namitokiwa: yeah, definitely a clickbait article. Sony corporation will probably see a few pennies from all this, simply because of how much they own, but clearly this isn't their Playstation area, that's being left alone, because that's far more profitable than any other area of the company, including a Picture studio! People forget they also own music and movies! Sony is one mammoth company!
@Sohereiam: thank you, glad someone knows this and SIE are different areas of the same corporation. People don't understand just how big Sony is as a company. They do FAAAAAR more than just games like Nintendo, they own the Music division, the Picture Studios, good god is this company a mammoth beast. However, their Playstation division is massively profitable, so of course that's all people think of when they think of Sony.
@Doomerang: exactly, but since it's a company owned by Sony- god do they own a lot, people act like it's the Playstation division, and it's clearly not.
@Doomerang: same with Sony Picture Studios. People forget just how big Sony is as a company. They're mammoth, and own WAY more than Nintendo, but since Nintendo only does one thing, that's where all their focus is.
@subthescrub: you don't remember 2007, because the Wii surpassed the GameCube's entire lifetime sales in one year. That was a far bigger hit, because you had 100 year olds playing video games, because they could "bowl"!
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