The best part about the current state of 2042 is that EA said they were releasing the game on time, because they were ahead of their development schedule. Yet the game is more messed up than Cyberpunk and that’s a massive shame. EA never learns from any of their mistakes or shortcomings. They simply don’t care, because they’re still raking in money. They still can’t even bring back the level of destruction from Bad Company, which makes these games a little embarrassing. The FPS competition is a complete joke this year. Halo wins by default at this point. At least it’s enjoyable.
Make no mistake EA, when positive reviews fizzle out, it’s going to be abundantly clear that you paid them.
Make Bad Company 3 with the destruction, slower pace and incredible sound design and bullet impact that it’s know for and stop wasting our f*cking time.
@sladakrobot: In all fairness, the only ME game that got a solid remaster was ME1. ME2 and 3 look almost identical to their original releases, with upscaled textures and slightly improved lighting. That was it. ME1 was fantastic, though.
Also in fairness, the GTA trilogy looks vastly superior in most cases and I often find myself impressed with it, issues aside. During gameplay, I don’t notice anything that takes away from my enjoyment of the games. I’m having great fun with Vice City currently. My memory of playing then on the PS2 is very hazy, so I suppose I benefit from that as well. The frame rate needs work, though.
Yeah, the models aren’t always great and the facial animations aren’t as expressive, but these games have always been over the top goofy. I even felt that way when I played them as a kid. Totally goofy and unrealistic, so they’re still exactly as I remember them and still fun as hell. The only think I really wish is that they did a better job with the aiming. It’s still a pain and I hate seeing enemy outlines.
Sometimes a quick action packed romp is better than a 60 hour slog through a mind numbing, open world collect-a-thon grind fest. However, this is too short to even hold your attention. Before you know it, the credits are rolling and there’s no reason to play it again. Maybe they’ll add a horde mode later, who knows.
Looks like it’s up to Halo to deliver a solid experience, or maybe everyone will just stick to Forza if Halo has a bad launch like every single game in November (least of all Forza, but even that game has issues). Battlefield and COD are a total joke these days.
I don’t care what anyone says, Willow is an 80s gem. It doesn’t take itself seriously at all, because it knows it’s just a fun and goofy ride through an offbeat fantasy tale. It’s great. A childhood classic of mine.
@DuoMaxwell007: Yes and no. They’re all open and free to explore each zone and each zone connects to each other, but the games are all linear in reality. It’s just brilliant level design by From Software. This one will be more open world like Witcher 3.
Ubisoft hasn’t made/published a creative or fresh game in years. They’re as stale as stale gets. All of their games have the same systems and gameplay features implemented. Ditch the outdated engine you use for Far Cry and come up with something new entirely. New gameplay, new feel, new direction and atmosphere, new ideas, maybe add realism to the gunplay. Anything. All the things. Do something different for once.
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