These licensing issues are so ridiculous. If they agree to put something into a game, then it should be a permanent deal. You don’t see Pepsi forcing movie producers to edit their films to remove Pepsi products 15 years later. It shouldn’t be any different in video games.
They still won’t specify the next-gen upgrades. They’re being extremely sketchy about that. It better not be locked to 30fps. If it is, then none of this is worth a damn on console.
@keiser69: I think it just might win GOTY, especially this year. There have been some good games, but nothing that really sticks out as being in a class of its own, until now. FH3 and FH4 are great games, but FH5 is the best version of them all and I believe that this will result in GOTY. What else is there? Ratchet and Clank? Returnal? Psychonauts 2? Demon’s Souls? Deathloop (which is already an afterthought)?All great and unique games, but none of those are cut and clear GOTY contenders.
If they don’t get GOTY with Horizon 5, then hopefully Fable gets the job done. But let’s be honest, Fable is a giant question mark with massive potential and yet high potential for disappointment as well. We’ll see. At least we know that they’ll create beautiful landscapes and vistas to stare at.
@illegal_peanut: I agree. Activision simply doesn’t care that much about their campaigns and neither does EA with battlefield. We’ll have to wait for the next great single player FPS if we want a good story and good characters. And if we’re extremely lucky, that same game will have solid multiplayer.
Nobody ever scores these games less than a 7/10, but it’s very clear which developer makes the best COD at this point. Expect next year to be the better game. It’s up to Battlefield or Halo to pave the way, sadly. Battlefield has no campaign and the multiplayer just looks serviceable, so I sense another 7/10 there. Halo is the only one I see as capable of being above average, but only slightly and thanks to a (hopefully) really fun campaign. 8/10, maybe reaching an 8.5 at best.
Forza Horizon 5 is the game to get at this point. AAA FPS competition is totally dead. It’s the same things every year. Sony badly needs to resurrect Killzone or Resistance or make a new IP to add some legitimate competition to the mix. These AA games just don’t quite cut it.
@rogerexplodey: Aside from its zombies mode, I’d say that Cold War was the low point. The MP and the maps are god awful. I expect Vanguard to be better. Even still, that’s not saying much. Call of Duty is Call of Duty, as always.
At least they acknowledged that they messed it up and are taking the appropriate time to make big changes.
On the other hand, this may be the only Ubisoft game in development that isn’t just more of the same (AC, GR, Division, Far Cry, etc.) All the same gameplay elements and ideas, nothing original or unique whatsoever.
@oddshroom: Not just that, but he’s now a woman that’s being played by a man that’s pretending to be a woman 😂😂. In the end, it’s still a man playing the part.
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