@_Shuyin_: Honestly, all SM:MM consists of is cringeworthy writing and story (mostly), endless cliches and boring point A to point B missions that have you doing the same 3 things until you beat it. Everything feels forced and rushed. The gameplay is fun, but far too repetitive. Good thing it’s short, so it just barely doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. It does have excellent graphics and some awesome effects, along with a few well done cutscenes. Not bad for a free game, but Hell Let Loose should be a fun and original experience.
I like the gameplay changes quite a bit, but the changes to his appearance are terrible and I laughed when they talked about them. That hat is ridiculous 🤮. Graphically, it doesn’t look any different, but I suppose that’s because of the art style.
@cheeseweasel24: Ouch. My girlfriend and I are level 35 right now, playing maybe a couple hours a day. So progress hasn’t been too bad for us, but it’s definitely slower than last season where we only played for 3 weeks and got to level 135. I also think they need to remove the symbiote suits. They’re far too cheap, one of the cheapest things I’ve experienced in the game and it ruins a lot of the endgame battles.
My character has now reappeared, but he’s back at level 1 with zero progress, so that unfortunately counts for nothing. I don’t trust the game enough to start another online character, so I guess I’m sticking to offline only.
Yeah, I already lost my character due to server issues. I’m not a fan of grinding through the beginning of the game, so that’s a little frustrating. Hopefully they’re able to bring back everyone’s missing characters.
They really need to start partnering with healthier food products. I see they have granola this time at least. I guess it beats Mt. Dew, Doritos and Monsters though.
@revyrevolver: Exactly. It exists simply to serve as part of the “Empowered Women” movement, where women will eventually be cast as the lead role for every popular movie/franchise that has ever existed, whether or not it’s realistic or even makes a lick of sense at all. At least this character existed in a big role in the previous movie, but is this story interesting or necessary to tell? We’ll see.
@Zombie8814: I found UC3 to be boring, but I really don’t like desert settings and the gameplay felt off compared to the first two. At least we agree on UC2 being the best. UC4 was boring when it came to the open world chores and extended periods with lack of action. It did take me a little while to beat, but I almost never finished UC3.
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