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jro2020 Blog

Happy Loot Day to all

So, I made out like a bandit this xmas.

-Touch Detective
-Marvel Ultimate Alliance (wii)
-Zelda (wii)
-Wacom Intous3 4*6 pen tablet (the ultimate in happyness)
-A Hero Scape Expansion
-A leopard print posing pouch
-2 gig SD Card
-1 gig USB flash Card
-Family guy volumes 2,3, and 4!!!!
-Astonisha (sp?) Story
-Another DVD boxset that is still wrapped
-A 6 foot fiber optic tree for next year
-A PSP which got opened early
-Grilling for Dummies
-and 2 freaking wonderful sueded shirts!

Plus my wife got some pretty spiff stuff too like:
*Braing Age (DS)
*Labrynith UMD
*Another UMD MOvie I forgot
*Coffee Maker and gourmet coffee
*Candle Maker
*Ultra Plush Robe
*Ultra soft spiffy blue corset
*Mistrals Kiss (book)

And we got some joint presents, gift cards, cash, and An incredibly nice blanket, travel mugs, a heated mattress pad. We spent the day at my parents so not much gaming but lots of fun.

Here is hoping that everyone else out there had as good a Holiday season as we are having. Don't forget all you Christians still have 11 more days of xmas to calibrate! And to everyone else seasons blessings and a happy new year!

ohhh and I know some of yoy won't blieve this but.....

How evil are you?

Can't find a PS3? I just can't be bothered

So, I'm hanging out at Wal*Mart waiting for my wife to go to lunch, when I hear over the intercom hey we have one PS3 someone come buy it.  At this point I still had my extra ten percent off coupons and all I would have to do is write out a check, the checkbook being in my at work locker.  So, I think to myself, someone in electronics is going to snap that right up.  About five minutes later, another page, we have a PS3, oops I think to myself should have gone and got the check book and the coupons I could have scored a PS3 for 30% off.  Ohh well this time I'm sure someone is going to snatch it up.

Wrong again turns out 5 minutes later he pages again. Turns out it took at least 10 minutes to actually find someone that A. Wanted it. B: had the Money and C: cared enough to actually go and buy it.

I guess it turns out I just don't really give a flip about the PS3 or I would have one right now.  Then again as I said in the beginning, I am a handheld gamer.

The Evil is in my house!

So, I have the Christmas 10% off coupon for WalMart so does my wife. Well make that did, we pooled them and used them both to get 30% off and Item, my wife wanted a pink DS lite but they don't seem to be coming in anytime soon. I wanted an HDTV, but they keep selling out of the ones I want. Freaking people could keep something instock maybe?

    Since she wants another DS i suggest okay how about a PSP, OOps she went for it. So we got a Bundle PSP for 183 dollars after tax. I can Feel the evil radiating off of it. I r want the homeBrew, It r want me install Hax on it. Luckily it is safely wrapped up till xmas. But, when it opens itself up using the dark powers of Santa I will need to pick up some games for it. Any suggestions? Other than Metal Gear Portable Ops?

Let the slaughter commence

Well I did it last week but have just got around to posting about it now, I killed it (with much remorse), for my wife. My wife made me take a life just to appease her ego. Now the decomposing corpse is in my house on display like some sick twisted homage to a carnival side show.

In case I wasn't clear, I meant that my wife and I went and cut down a Christmas tree. We got a NFS license to kill, National Forest Service Christmas Tree Permit, for 5 dollars and then drove 40 or so miles out into the forest to hunt down and murder a tree. It was cold, wet, and hilly. I fully believe that anyone that wants to have a dead tree in their house should have to kill it themselves.

One highlight though, we got to stop for square ice-cream on the way back home. In any case here are some pictures of the destruction.

On a happier note we finished getting all the presents wrapped today, then again it took about 70 dollars total to mail the lot of them :-( ohhh well, We are off the hook till May when we have 3 Mothers day Presents, and 3 birthday Presents (for the same three people) to buy.

Switch and Carry: Wiimote "glove" Review

So, you say your Wiimote just won't stay in your hand? Well then have I got the product for you, maybe. You must have seen them by now the Switch and Carry, Wiimote glove, or as I like to say Colored skin. I got my wife a pink one to help differenciate her Wiimote from my Wiimote. I haven't decided where I would buy another.

As you may or may not be able to see from this blurry picture, it fits snuggly around the Wiimote and comes with an extra wrist strap.  So here is the skinny on this product.

+Improves Grip
+Soft texture makes controller easier to hold during extended play
+Extra Wrist strap halves chance of Wiimote related casualties
+Assorted colors make identifying the Wiimote with Your Miis saved to it a snap

- $8.88 and up seems a little pricy to me
- Best colors available only at Toys R Us
- Hinders access to battery compartment
-Hinders access to +, -, and Home buttons rather a lot and A button is virtually flush with the level of the glove.
(this con can be solved with about 2 minutes work with an exacto knife but I want to buy a good product not make it.)

Neutral but disturbing observations:
* only pastels are available at major retailers
* Ummm how to I put this gently the product feels like Cyberskin (a product use for making artificial no-nos and whohaws) which is as close as you can get to the real thing as possible.
*In relation to the last point; the product seems to make people post naught pictures of themselves on the internet.

Overall opinion:
Seems to improve game play slightly if you can get over the sensation that you are holding a big pink *** toy.

Second Opinion on SO and MB

After having some more time to examine Trauma Center Second Opinion while sober, TheWesker forgot to take it home, I have to say it still creeps me out.  You play as either doctor Stiles (read use the stylus duh) or as Dr. Weaver (read I'm on the Wii duh) preforming surgery on people and uncovering some strange evil menace.  First off the puns, why does everything DS related have to be a pun on the stylus, and for the love of god they just had to keep it up with the new character and incorperate the Wii theme.

But what really creeps me out is the noise when you screw up.  A sound approcimating a sharp object being quickly inserted in to raw meat fills our ears and I can't help but flinch.  If I could just get over the sickening effects you get when something goes wrong I coudl really like this game.

As for SMB: Banana Blitz, I have to wonder what game the Gamespot editors were playing to give it such a high rating, because it sure wasn't the same one I played.  First player mode is infact well done but short. My only complaint there is how the extreme ntilting of the landscape seems to make my wife sick, but as for the party games I am Largely dissapointed. 

Of the Fifty games about half are well made and worth playing, of the remaining twenty five half are playable but not well made, and about a dozen are broken.

For example,alien attack, and Monkey Boxing are both very well done, in fact I would say that Monkey boxing may be better than Wii sports boxing.  Space Attack and Yachting are also well made.  Even disc golf is fun but lacks a power meter for practice.

Bowling is much to easy, but at the same time easier to control than wii sports,  Whack a Mole has slow responce time when moving your Wiimote in the "depth" field, and Banana theif has good movement controls, but laggy attack times.  Frog ball would be fun, but the game misses about half my jump commands.

Golf is completely unplayable, no power meter to test your swing, and more importantly it just plain refuses to regiser my back stroke to start the swing.  I think it accidentally switches over to left handed too easily, ( when you pull the B trigger maybe? I can't tell).  Simon says on the other hand should be easy, but the freaking thing keeps miss registering my position.

As some other games use almost Identical controls without any problem  I have to say that the party games that have problems are just poorly coded and are not an indcator of the consoles abilities.  When I finally reach level ten I hope to include some game play video, but for now you just have to believe me.

Trauma Center Creeps me out.

ARgh, so, writing this blog buzzed. First off, golf in monkey ball banana blitz is frigged up something serious. Okay alot of the games are pretty fun and make good use of the depth sensing of the wii, but all the golf and baseball were done much better in wii sports to the point of actual frustration, I mean I could never hit the gold ball the same way twice. However there was fun tank game and some fun track and field games. TheWesker got Trauma center and is playing it on my wii, the sounds and noises and the pictures are just creeping me out!!!,, game play does seem to be pretty freaking fun. Okay I  want another screw driver and my battery is dying. TTFN.

I just got screwed by the french

Ouch, just bought a used TV from a friend at work.  Oops big mistake.  First he said it is wide screen, it's not, but I was okay with that if it could output progessive scan.  I asked what the max res was; 1080i it turns out.  So I ask if it will do 480p or 720p, hoping for 480p since I got me a Wii.  He said he wasn't sure but his 360 would output to it in anything but 1080p.  Usually this is a good indicator that it will output in that mode.  I tried to go through he manuel but since it was in french it wasn't much help so I assumed my  friend was right that it would output in lower quality progressinve pictures, but No, turns out it converts any picture you put in to 1080i.

  Un fortunately I don't even have his number so I can't get ahold of him, and he will be off fork the next two days attending a funeral.   As my only desire for an HDTV was that it have progressive output I am very bumbed.  And out a wad.

Houston Wii have a problem

    Incase you haven't tried to go to the Wii Shop channel lately, you can't until you download an update that expands the parental controls.  I had to try 5 time to successfully download this update.  It would randomly just stop moving and not start back up. 

    Apparently the big N has still not purchased more bandwith, even after the disaster surrounded system registration on launch day.  Take head Nintendo, you have created an excellent system but your failure to fully acknowledge it's online might is REALLY a good way to kill this system before it even really takes flight. 

    On the plus side excellent idea putting Parental Controls on spending Wii points, It should really help with, kids, friends and the inevitable drunken gaming session