jsquared0905's forum posts
Im looking for a game that has both good online and offline multiplayer, that is not a sports game. Already have brawl and mario kart.
I would also like an opinion on guitar hero. Is it a fad ala DDR? Or is it really that good. And if I got world tour, is it still a solid game if you get only the guitars?
I too wished there was splitscreen.
I can't find the interview, but they said the two main reasons no splitscreen is one they were having frame rate issues. And it would have gone way overbudget to have a smooth splitscreen.
They said they would not put anything in unless it could be good. Even nintendo has had trouble with splitscreen on the wii as evidenced by MK Wii when you try to play with more than 2 people offline. Choppy splitscreen=not good=no splitscreen.
On a side note in the interview deconfirming splitscreen they said not in this version. This could infer a sequel in the future with splitscreen.
So The Conduit and COD WAW have been gettin a lot of hype lately, so I though I would look at the other FPS.
Without a doubt the 007 series has been trash since goldeneye and I haven't seen any bond game get more hype than this one. On top of that its being done by activision and not EA. It is the only fps of the trio coming to the wii that will have split screen, and those leaked crappy images were confirmed to be very early development.
Idk, ever since goldeneye and perfect dark I have been looking for that next FPS that would be fun to play with friends and people. The confirmation of no splitscreen destroyed that hope in the conduit.
This games going to be coming out soon i think and we still don't know much about it... thoughts?
There were two things it had last year that made everyone cover it that it does not have this year, plan and simple.
Last year two megatonz, Brawl and Starcraft 2, were being demoed there. Now that theres no megaton demo, no reason to cover.
This situation is completely different than e3. Nintendo decided to take a different approach specifically for e3 which any core gamer would hate, and pretty much has condemned any future nintendo appearances at e3. They show more casual stuff at e3 now, because its the only place a casual gamer may actually get information on a game. Where as we do research.
That said, we shouldnt hype ourselves.
I do not expect alot of media covering this conference and therefore it is of no importance to a casual gamer, let alone the mainstream. This leaves it open for a megaton hardcore game. The thing is, with nintendos new approach of not showing a game until near release, a zelda trailer would mean less than a year away, Twilight came out in like late 2006 or so, and I do not think they would release a zelda in three years of development(seems long, but it is zelda, and the gap between WW and TP was about 3 and half years, little more). I think it is more plausible we see a zelda trailer in 2009, with an early or mid 2010 release, as 2010 will probably mark the beginning of the end of this gen of gaming, as i think were going to see new consoles winter 2011. If they had not said they're not showing games unless near release, than I would expect a zelda trailer.
Other than the three games revealed at e3, the three games that I think have a shot at making an appearance are Star Fox, Pikmin, and kirby. Oh, and a storage solution porbably appears.
Starfox: Starfox has yet to make an appearance on the wii. They need a game to promote wii speak for the hardcore, and if conduit doesn't use it/doesn't pan out, this could be the game that could. In addition, star fox has the potential to become a game that has online gameplay as its bread and butter, making it the perfect game to use wii speak. I would personally prefer wii speak compatible with at least 16player online and splitscreen.
Pikmin III: I think alot of people were excited and disappointed when Miyamoto said were making Pikmin III, but they had nothing to show for it. They snuck in two pikmins on the gamecube, yet we have not even seen any footage or gameplay of the third. They have had like 3 or 4 years to possibly work on a pikmin, and if they show it here I expect an 09 release no later than june.
Kirby: They have been hyping kirby alot, most likely b/c of the ultrasuper star kirby on the ds.(See kirby clouds in tha sky!)
Like I said, if they show it, then its coming out soon... That said their definition of soon was near release, which is not always finite.
There is no reason for us to create hype, if we are let down than it is our own fault because they have not promised anything.
Nintendo has 3 games for sure coming out soon, animal crossing, wii sports, and wii music. These three def. appear.
They always have to brag about sales, and need Cammie to try and relate to their casual audience,so more "Yea so like, I was playing wii fit, and like I was doing the tree pose, and like I fell of the balance board and like, rolled my ankle:
They have been hyping kirby alot lately so maybe a kirby appearance.
They have been constantly saying expect a storage solution soon, so it is plausible this appears.
I expect we get some kind of trailer for either star fox, or pikmin, or punch out and we might see some ds and wii games announced that are not megatonz. and possibly a conduit appearance.
We should not expect anything more than this.
If we are extremely lucky, than we might be graced with a trailer of zelda, but that would mean that Zelda is near completion. Its been nearly two years or so since TP came out, and I highly doubt that if they release this in say, q2-3 2009, that they would do a zelda in less than three years. If they say zelda and say its coming out sometime in 2010, than that doesnt necessarily define as near release now does it.
My personal hope is star fox makes an appearance(its been like what, 3 or 4 years since the last one?) And they decide this will be their hardcore attraction for the wii speak and give it at least 16 player online and splitscreen.
Remember, Nintendo claims to have a new direction in how they reveal their megatons to us: IE they will only reveal it when it is near release. *see iwata or shiggy e3 apology* That said, I am going to take a conservative approach and say were going to get Animal Crossing, Wii Music, and Wii Sports up the butt, with either punch out or pikmin possiblly appearing, and probably kirby hype for the ds.Maybe a starfox appearance if were lucky.Oh and a storage solution
*Overly Optimistic prediction*
*Iwata appears on the floor, and apologizes for not warning us about their new approach to e3, once again explains reasoning behind no megatonz.*
*Iwata then starts off the show by mentioning space issue solutions, 1st is hologram thingy will be out in 6 months, in the meantime, software updates make it capable to play games from SD cards.
*Cammie appears, talks about how she rolled an ankle doing yoga on wii fit. And talks about wii sports/animal crossing with reggie*
*Iwata comes, talks about some future DS titles.*
*Shiggy makes his grand appearance to intro wii music -.-.*
*After wii music, footage of Pikmin III appears, with some brand new out of the box feature*idk, online multiplayer piikmin fights?*
*Shiggy talks about how they should have another IP to promote wii speak other than animal crossing. Star Fox makes it appearance, with splitscreen and at least 16 player online confirmed!*
*Though a 3rd party game, conduit makes a surprise appearance, revealing its publisher and release date, and a sequel is already being thought up :P*
*Miyamoto reappears, and says after pikmin,.. Says the next trailer to close out the conference is dedicated to the people who were let down by e3....*lights turn off, screen turns off,* On comes the ****c zelda or mario music.*(uber overly optimistic would be both)* One of those megatonz set for Q3-4 2009 release
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