so I haven't been too active on here in a little while. Well, I've been heavily occupied with an assortment of stuff (mostly gaming). A lot of it having to do with competitive fighting games. I went to two major tournaments in the last two months: East Coast Throwdown in Morristown, NJ and Evolution 2k in Las Vegas, NV. I've also been holding monthly gatherings at my place for Garou: Mark of the Wolves since March. Along with my gatherings, I've been doing live streams of them online. *shameless plug*Check out my Ustream page for the archive footage of past events:
If anyone wants to catch one live, I've been running these things on the third Friday of each month; the next gathering is actually this coming Friday night (8/19). The stream usually goes up around 9-10pm EST (GMT -5) depending on when people arrive; so come check us out.
Also before moving on, it's time for one more shameless plug. Last weekend of August, there's going to be a tournament here in Philadelphia called Summer Jam. I'm planning on running a side tournament in Garou during the event. Hopefully if all goes well, that side tournament will also be streamed.
Anyways, not consistently blogging once again leads to me playing catch up on here with showing what I've picked up in the past few months. Once again, it's a ton of games. First off real quick, my copy of this finally arrived:

The Valkyria Chronicles Design Archive. This is the english localized book of the japanese VC Development Artworks that I got over a year and a half ago. It's pretty much exactly like the 400-page JP book, but no longer in moon runes! If you want to see what's inside, just check out my previous blog on the JP book:
Now to actual 'new' old games. Collecting and playing games is not a cheap hobby...

Sega Genesis:
Jungle Strike
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (JP)
Strider (JP)
Super Nintendo:
Act Raiser
Arcana (box and instructions in awesome condition)
Ninja Gaiden (w/ instructions)
If you're wondering about why I've got the japanese Mega Drive copies of Shadow Dancer and Strider, I pretty much got them for their awesome box art. Seriously, go look up the US box art for these games... they're absolutely terrible.Thankfully, I can still play these gameson my US Sega Genesis. Most Mega Drive games are not region locked, so you just need a passthrough device of some sort (like a Game Genie) since the shape of the cart differs.

Beyond Good and Evil
Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Nintendo DS:
Radiant Historia (w/ bonus piano arrangement cd)
One quick thing to comment on here is if you have a DS and like JRPGs, go find yourself a copy of Radiant Historia NOW! It's a fantastic RPG with an intriguing plot and great music; Radiant Historia was one of the few RPGs I've played in recent memory that had me hooked on playing constantly until I finished it.

Elemental Gearbolt
Fear Effect
Metal Slug X
Time Crisis Project Titan
Namco GunCon 1
A couple more PS1 games to the list, including two light gun games. Naturally since I was picking up some light gun games, I needed a Guncon to play them as they were intended.

The big pile of PS2 additions:
Beyond Good and Evil
Neo Geo Battle Colliseum
Phantom Brave (w/ bonus soundtrack cd)
Rogue Galaxy
Silent Hill 3
Time Crisis 3 (w/ two Guncon 2 guns!)
Vampire Night
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner
Yes, that is another copy of Beyond Good and Evil you see there. The game is good enough to warrant buying multiple copies off! :P Other than that, the big catch was finding Time Crisis 3 with both guns; oh light gun games... why are you so much fun to play? Also, I'm taking another stab at the Zone of the Enders games. I remember picking up the second one years ago, but not liking it for some reason I don't remember. However, after now playing through the first game and somewhat enjoying it, I'll be giving 2nd Runner another shot. We'll see how this goes.

Finally, the most notable addition to my collection: I got my hands on a Sega CDX. For anyone not familiar with this thing, the CDX is essentially a Genesis and a Sega CD combined into one and shrunk down in size. No need for more than one power supply. Of course now that I've got this, I can now play Sega CD games. What better way to start into the Sega CD than with:
Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-Arm
Sonic CD
Sonic CD by itself is a c-lassic, while Android Assault is a fun horizontal shoot-em-up. I also have a copy of Flashback: The Quest for Identity on the way here too.
Well, that about sums up the last few months in gaming. I really haven't been playing too much current generation games lately; there's very few new games that catch my attention anymore. Well, that's the case for now until Disgaea 4 drops next month... Until next time...
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