After a long 5-6 hour drive to Boston, my friends and I arrived at Boston late Thursday night for the inaugural Penny Arcade Expo East (PAX East). What followed afterward was an incredible, fun, and silly experience.
For those of you who don't know, PAX is a festival and celebration of gaming. It's a gathering of fellow gamers of all types, whether it was console, PC, handheld, board, card, or role playing. The focus is on the sharing a passion with like-minded people rather than be a media blitz of the latest upcoming stuff like say E3 or TGS (though there was an expo area for new games and tech).

"It's a god damn nerd convention!"

Of course there is some structured events set up throughout the weekend. Various panels discussing all different aspects of gaming culture. The Penny Arcade guys, Gabe and Tycho as most know them, had a few Q&A sessions and a like making of a strip; all of which were god damn hilarious. They're just naturally goofy guys and it shows whether on stage or talking to them in person.

It's the hot dog fairy!

Tycho's attempt at drawing himself after a request from a fan
Expo Hall
As I mentioned, there was an expo hall where various companies are showing their latest and upcoming stuff. There was a nice mix of big name stuff available to play like Splinter Cell Conviction, Red Dead Redemption, and Starcraft II; but also a fair share of lesser known indie stuff to see too.

Nvidia booth with Starcraft II

Disney showing Split Second

Splinter Cell Conviction
One thing to note before moving on is that Sega had a booth with Yakuza 3, Resonance of Fate, and the 360 version of Bayonetta. While I personally have attested to the PS3 version of Bayo being playable, after actually getting my hands on the 360 version I'm honestly astonished by the performance differences between the two. It's seriously THAT noticable.
Moving on, I tended to check out the indie stuff more as I didn't feel like sitting in line for the big games that I can check out online easily. There's a lot of neat stuff to keep an eye out for. For example, The Dishwasher: Vampile Smiles by Ska Studios is a slick 2D action game coming to Xbox Live Arcade. It's fast, responsive action gameplay combined with a sweet sketch drawing/graphic novel s-tyle visuals was a blast to play. I found myself coming back to their booth again and again to play it.

Death to all who stand in my way
Also, I spent some time BS'ing with Tom Fulp of Newgrounds.com and The Behemoth. Aside from new content on Newgrounds, I inquired about Castle Crashers' status for PSN. To everyone interested, Castle Crashers for PSN should be available THIS YEAR. Tom and co. were trying to have it ready by Comic Con, but if not he said it will be this year.
I also found myself hanging out a lot at the Aksys Games booth throughout the whole weekend. For one, they had available to play Bit.Trip RUNNER, Deathsmiles, and BlazBlue Continuum Shift.

To my fellow BlazBlue fanatics, the latest word is the console version of Continuum Shift is currently about 75% complete, and they're shooting for a July release. While I did play all three games there, I obviously spent the most time on BBCS despite how worn the arcade sticks that were set up were.
Of Cosplay and games
As with any convention, there was plenty of cosplay abound of all sorts. I think the most common one I saw this weekend were Bayonettas.

However, I think this guy here was my favorite one there:

I wanted to do a Ragna cosplay myself, but just didn't have the time to put together the costume. Maybe next time...
As I mentioned earlier, PAX is largely about getting together with gamers and enjoying what we love. To help facilitate the community toward this goal, there are large designated areas for freeplay. Places where you can sit down with others and shoot each other's brains out, roll for initiative, rock out, throw down, or whatever your poison may be. It's also a large library of games (donated by fellow gamers for temporary use) people can check out and play.

PC freeplay area; how much do you think this entire room of stuff is worth?

D&D on a Microsoft Surface table

Console freeplay area
Aside from these various rooms, there were beanbag chairs set up all over the place for people to chill, game, andBS with others. Also, a few Rock Band sets/stages were placed at a few spots for people to jump on and rock out with a crowd. There was even a 'c-lassic arcade' room filled with old school arcade games... all set to freeplay of course!

Ah, the memories...

One big surprise was that on Saturday, Capcom showed up in the console freeplay area with playable copies of Super Street Fighter IV and the newest Mad Catz SFIV Tournament Edition sticks!

Of course, I didn't get to actually play it myself as the waiting list grew long in short order. The famous SF/Marvel player Justin Wong was there too; he won the SFIV tournament that happened earlier that day.
So what made this the best weekend ever?
First, I tried my hand in a Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting tournament. Unfortunately, I got knocked out first round in a Blanka mirror match. It was certainly entertaining though as it was close; during the first round my opponent and I traded about 4 Blanka Balls in a row.
Aside from all of the awesomeness displayed above, I spent a large majority of the weekend playing BlazBlue. For awhile I spent a chunk of time at the Aksys booth playing BBCS, and eventually I met up with some other good players and exchanged a couple good matches. We'd all eventually met back up later in the freeplay area for taking turns at each other in BB Calamity Trigger. Of course, I was the cool one there who actually brought an arcade stick for everyone to use (I actually brought 2 with me, but one of them got it's wiring screwed up in transit). I think we spent at least 3 hours playing BBCT, and we kept taking numbers so we could check out the game again and again to keep playing.
What made this session even sweeter was who showed up to join in:

Yes, the Ragna cosplayer from earlier came by and joined in. His first character he picked to play as? JIN!It was all for good times. Funny fact: Bang in Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan mode can actually outrun Ragna's Carnage Scissors! Man, I wish I had that one on film as it was too funny to see. Even better about the whole thing was that despite there being only one stick available, everyone using a pad manned up and no one used easy specials.
To really cap off the weekend, I took part in the BlazBlue Continuum Shift tournament Aksys held at their booth on Sunday. There was I believe 25-30 entries, though about a third didn't actually show up. The beginning of the tourney was a bit rough for me as I somehow ended up having 3 matches before most people had their first, and my first two fights were back to back! Despite that, I still pulled out some big W's in some close games. A clutch Blood Kain activation against an Arakune who nearly locked me down with bugs and a third round Double Down against a Tager highlighted some good moments.
Next thing I know, I'm in the semi-finals and paired against a tight Litchi player. It was most certainly the closest game yet; every round we both had each other down to slivers of life with the other guy taking round 1 and me round 2. Ultimately, it came down to me dropping the final critical combo that would have won the match, and he capitalized on it and narrowly took the win. In the end, I wound up in 4th place and satisfied with how I did.

Meet your top 3 winners of the BBCS tourney
It was a great experience playing in this tourney; I even got some compliments from the winners on my Ragna. That semifinal match was so close no one really knew who was going to win. This has most certainly refreshed my spirit and love of fighting games. Also despite not making it 'in the money', I'm not leaving empty handed. I exchanged PSNs with the guys I was freeplaying with Saturday for more people to play with, and also Aksys Games is planning on hooking up everyone who played in the tourney with a little something too. We all win!
Finally, there's no way I'd leave an event like this without picking up some sweet stuff. Though my wallet is now hurting a bit...

Four new posters to the collection. Three of which are Penny Arcade ones, and the fourth is for The Dishwasher: Vampire Smiles. The Dishwasher poster is actually signed by the artist and game designer of Ska Studios.

One new figure to my ongoing collection. This guy is Penny Arcade's Cardboard Tube Samurai. Despite the simplistic design of the character, this figure has a nice amount of detail to it. The pose is nice too with the CTS standing in ready position to take on whatever adversaries stand in his way.

Finally, I picked up a few new gaming shirts. The first one is PA's Slide Forever shirt, which is inspired by their comic about Portal they did. The second is just a PAX East 2010 shirt, which sold out by Saturday afternoon. Finally, the last one is a Chrono Trigger themed shirt, with the famous clock pendulum from CT's title screen.
Overall, PAX East is an amazing experience. Being in a environment where you're surrounded by people who love games as much as you do is incredible. I would highly recommend that everyone experience it at least once if possible. It is the most fun I've had in a very, very long time, and I will most certainly be returning again next year. Wil Wheaton in his keynote speech really hit a sweet note with his parting words: "To everyone here attending their first PAX... Welcome Home." PAX, whether it's in Seattle or in Boston, feels like a home away from home, and it's one I wish I was still at right now.
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