Honestly, I should get myself on a semi-regular blog schedule. On the one hand, it is nice though not having to worry about getting one out by some arbitrary deadline. The downside though is that you get occassions where you don't blog for two months, and in that time you end up buying a lot of crap. This happens to be one of those blogs. *sigh*
On the figure front, I just picked up three new little figures from a blind box set. WTF is a blind box? A blind box is a box that contains one figure out of a set, but you don't know what figure it is until after you open it. The box shows all of the available figures in the set, and each case comes with at least one of each figure and X number of randoms to round out the case. This particular set I picked out from consisted of Mega Man figures: two c-lassic Mega Man in different poses, Protoman, Roll, two Bass figures, Mega Man X, Zero (X series), Zero (Zero series), Air Man, and Cut Man. So which three did I get?
One of the c-lassic blue bomber, one of the Bass figures, and Air Man. I was kind of hoping for a X series Zero in place of Air Man, but regardless Air Man will do nicely.
Briefly carrying on this Mega Man theme into newly added games are the following two games:
I finally got my hands on a copy of MM7 and MMX3, and they didn't hit me too bad on a cost. MM7 I nabbed for $35 (a lot better than the typical $55+ on eBay), and X3 ran me for $50 (only a little better than the $60+ norm online). With these two games in hand, I now own all 10 of the c-lassic series games, and 1-6 of the X series games. At this point, I'm content with my Mega Man collection; I didn't enjoy X7 and X8 enough to refind them just to have. Hurrah.
Moving on, I found myself expanding my console family with some new members. First up, the big black monster of last gen: the original Xbox.
This xbox w/ one controller I grabbed for just $15; while the other extra controllers I bought from someone else for just $2.50 each. So why did I get an original xbox for when I still have a 360? I didn't feel like dealing with the software emulation of the 360, and also my 360's drive has seemingly been slowly dying. Well, that and I really had an itch to play Ninja Gaiden Black and Jet Set Radio. Now to decide on any other games I want to play on it...
... Except for the fact that thanks to Gamestop running a buy 2 get 1 free used sale last month and a buy 2 get 2 sale last week, I am already up to my neck in games to play. In order to take a load off of my Wii, I found myself picking up Gamecube along with a large handful of games:
Dear god, so many games, such little time... curse (and at the same time bless) that buy 2 get 2 last week. One thing to mention before moving on: Eternal Darkness is @#$%ing awesome. If you get a chance to, go play it. It's got an enthralling story, atmosphere, and the sanity effects are something else. To say anything more would spoil what makes the game great; so go play it... NOW!
I'm not quite done yet. Those sales were too good to pass up expanding other parts of my collection. Moving to the last batch, we've got the Playstation goodies.
Holy @#$, that's a lot of games. Almost all of them were only bought in the past week. Thankfully, I don't need to replay either of those Ratchet & clank games as I just grabbed them to round out the PS2 trilogy; I had traded those two in a few years ago back when I needed some money. Also, Half-Life I got as a backup in case something happens to my PC copy.
So with all this stuff purchased, where does that leave my (now huge) backlog?
Current Backlog:
Jet Set Radio Future
Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Atelier Iris 3
Mega Man X Collection
We Love Katamari
Resonance of Fate
Ninja Gaiden Black
Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem
StarFox Assault
Atelier Iris 2
Portal 2
No need to play for now:
Crazy Taxi
Metroid Prime
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank Going Commando
Yes, I actually got some of these games completed already as far as finishing single-player campaigns once go. Despite completing them, I still want to play some of them again! Looking to maybe spend another 100+ hours on Ninja Gaiden as I did on Ninja Gaiden Sigma, replaying Eternal Darkness to check out the hidden ending and other sanity effects, and Portal 2's co-op. Regardless, I'd like to whittle down the backlog a bit before going back to replay them. So many games, such little time... until next time.
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