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#1 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts

Using MotionPlus can you direct your shots in both games or is it just a question of timing like Wii Sports tennis?

Yes, with both games, when using M+, you direct your shots depending on which way your remote is facing. If you don't use M+, it is about timing, and there is an (optional) direction bar to help you time your shot correctly. I find it works better with VT though.
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#2 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
IGN's review for VT was incredibly short... I feel like they didn't spend much time with it. VT makes MUCH better use of the M+. That's the main reason I like it more. It's used for the serving, where GST has a very gimmicky timing-based serve. And VT uses M+ for drops and lobs where GST uses buttons. I also find that the M+ controls during regular gameplay work better in VT. I have a feeling that because VT doesn't auto-detect your M+ (one flaw in the game), that people aren't selecting the M+ controller before you start playing, and in fact aren't even using it when they play. But I think VT is a much better game overall -- and DEFINITELY makes better use of M+
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#3 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
I have both games and like VT a lot better, in fact I never spend anytime with GST anymore because I would rather play VT instead. There are a lot of things I like about GST.. such as the look and sound. But VT to me has much better gameplay, and is a whole lot faster. The motionplus is utilized more (esp in serving!) and works a lot better too.
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#4 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
I don't have Wii Fit... but I do have EA sports active, and really its the same people buy workout videos, to get/stay in shape! It's more convenient then going to the gym (or paying for it), and by selecting say a 20-minute workout, it gives me a balanced workout of whatever type I choose, makes sure I don't slack, and motivates me to workout. If you understand the purpose of workout videos and home gym equipment, then you shouldn't have a problem understanding why people would buy Wii Fit -- its the same thing just done through a console instead of a DVD player or a piece of equipment, or a gym for that matter.
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#5 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
I have both games and I like VT 2009 MUCH better. A few reasons why, and to address some points made in this thread... --On both games, the bar indicator does not appear if you are using M+ --Yes on VT you have calibrate before each point, and it can get annoying... but if you play GST where you don't have to calibrate, then you'll appreciate what Sega are doing, because on GST if you don't hold your remote still during the replay you'll be messed up on the next point... very frustrating!! --It is difficult to hit a drop shot in VT, but for anyone who's played tennis, knows that when a ball is coming at you fast - hitting a drop shot isn't an easy thing to do, so I think this works appropriately. -- VT makes use of the M+ more (with lobs and drops), and with serving. The serving in GST is a step back from Wii Tennis imo --VT has a lot of different courts/locations, where GST just has the 4 grand slam locations --The single player mode on VT is better, and more realistic, where you work your way up from amateur, and there are a ton of amateur players and tournaments that you have to keep beating to get your ranking high enough to play in the bigger tournaments. There are some things I like about GST, like the court details, and commentary that VT lacks -- but M+ works much better on Virtua Tennis, the gameplay is a lot faster, and its a lot more fun to play!!
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#6 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
Have it with Virtua Tennis 2009 --- great game! Much better than Grand Slam in my opinion. M+ works pretty great, though the calibration can be annoying. Oh -- and if you're buying it on its own.. dont pay over 20! a lot of game stores (I know gamestop for sure) are selling it for 24.99 but you can get it for 19.99 at best buy/walmart/amazon/most other places
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#7 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts

NES games - Wiimote
SNES games - Clas sic Controller
N64 games - GC Controller

Absolutely -- I sometimes use the Classic for N64 games also, but for some games the button positions feel awkward. If I could only have one or the other I would have the Classic, but obviously if you already have GC controllers then save your money..
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#8 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
Super Mario Galaxy will have to win for its originality -- and it's just a great game!! Twilight Princess or Brawl would come second. Maybe even Mario Kart, simply because its a great multiplayer game (local or online) for everyone that still gets a lot of play time in my wii anyway.
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#9 jukitup
Member since 2009 • 163 Posts
I have both Grand Slam and Virtua Tennis... and I prefer VT MUCH more than GST... I think if you're not using MotionPlus then they might score similarly (I haven't played them without MotionPlus... but most of GST's problems are WITH motionplus..), but VT's use of motion plus is a whole lot better than GST's. VT also has a learning curve, but the problem with GST is that sometimes the motionplus doesn't calibrate, and messes you up, which makes the learning curve steeper in a bad way. VT has a learning curve in a good way - where you learn to hit the ball with the right speed/angle etc as you play more. I probably wouldn't have given GST a 6... maybe a 7, but I would give VT at least a 9, the motionplus works great, and the gameplay is much faster. The other thing I didn't like about GST is that there's no real tutorial, and you hold the remote so that the face of the racket is the side of the remote. In VT the face of the racket is the face of the remote, so you hold it sideways, which I find a lot easier, and anyone who played Top Spin 3 will already be used to this style too.