@NightPhoenix117 @The3rdGracchus After all the critique the last ME received, they should be sure to release the best possible product, or the IP will not be as succesful and eventually lose relevance... And don't get me started with the DA2 disaster... I loved the 1st DA, but I'm waiting to see what they do with DA3 before deciding anything...
Sorry Blake, but I can't see anyone enjoying when paying...
Anyway, as long as they don't break the game and force these on the user I don't think there should be a problem... However, I can well imagine playing the tutorial, getting hands on with smtg really powerful aaaaaaaaaaaand then getting the prompt to buy it. That will create a lot of hate.
They should be careful; if it's too invasive and if the game is not well balanced this will annoy more than one. Imagine a FIFA where you have to pay t play with CR or Messi...
Next: Pay to obtain those achievements that have resisted you so far! We won't tell your friends! (wink)
Curious reading the overall positive comments in this article after reading the general negative reaction to the Bioshock Infinite season pass article...
It's amazing how an announcement of a new FF game manages to leave everyone indifferent. I would be expecting new entries eagerly... now, well... not as much if any at all. Square-Enix need to stop milking the franchise with endless spinoffs and return to the way each FF game was made before to make the series relevant and special in gamer's hearts again. The series has been going downhill since FFX (remember how everyone was hyped for it??)
@LukeWesty All platforms have their exclusives. If you want to stick with your console please do, but don't hate others just because they prefer other games... In any case, and regardless of the platform, I just want great games!
kagento's comments