Arrow in the knee. That is a pretentious attitude. Basically, he's saying that whatever shit microsoft pulls out it wont matter because people will buy it anyway. I think they should remember the original Xbox 1st month debacle...
Can't say I'm interested in Assassin's Creed, but if people keep buying them and Ubi still has resources to develop other games with more creative input I can't see why it shouldn't be ok
@WhiteStormy @santinegrete Wouldn't it be awesome to dedicate a special feedbackula episode to one particular person? It would certainly piss off less people each week...
I really don't believe this franchise will be changed significantly... Since ME 1 the game has been maintained very much the same albeit more focus on combat as the franchise played through (detrimental to me, although most of the players seemed to enjoy that more). To me, this series has run its course and should have been shelved for a while before announcing a new one. Of course, its not like EA will let it be...
Just one thing: no main story DLC please, that just kills me.
I know I´m a minority but... I just couldn´t get into Bastion. Technically superb (best sound design in quite a while) but, to me, uninteresting gameplay and story. I´m happy that they have been able to build on that success and work on a new IP instead of going the easy road. Transistor looks interesting... that VATS mechanic looks cool and seems to be a good match to iso ARPG. I guess I´ll have to play and see. Here's hoping it's good!
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