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@sladakrobot: There is one 9GB game on PS Vita.

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Edited By kazeswen

@bickle2: Whether a game ships bugged and need patching has NOTHING to do with its complexity, its all how much time a dev spends on scrutinizing the final release.

Why do you think the same game on Wii U requires fewer patches than the PC counterpart? Because Nintendo has harsher vetting process on what goes gold, then both Sony, MS and PC combined.

Whether a game is complex is irrelevant because simple sprite based sidescrollers get patches on steam, PSN and XB1 all the time. Hence the idea that because a game is more complex it needs day one patches is a myth.

Its human laziness and developer eagerness to hit the market early, that creates the need for day one patches.

I think you are diverting the subject at hand.

Best example, Uncharted games on PS3, can all be played without a single patch. And they were some of the most complex games to hit any system. But due to the fact that the game is Sony's flagship product, the release was scrutinized to hell, but a better product went gold than most releases today.

Literally you play Uncharted from some old second hand disc with no internet and have an almost bug free experience. That's what happens when you force devs to go gold with a perfect product. They used to do this all the time, its called the PS2 era.

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Edited By kazeswen

#@bickle2: WTF are you talking about. Comparable speed. My 1 TB SSD that's clocked at 400MB R 400MB W tested with Crystal Disk is 260 dollars, which means 4TB is just over 1000 dollars. Your 4TB HDD at 150 is what 5400 rpm, that's what 60MB R 60MB W, that's literally 7x slower. So I don't know where you get appreciably better platter speeds, you don't think 400MB R/W is appreciable to your 5400rpm splatter speeds?

I'm very familiar with HDD speeds, since I run tons of Quad and Octobay RAID systems, so I know exactly how much real world speed your beloved splatter drives can deliver per rpm, and any 4TB drive costing 150 bones is slow as molasses, you need to RAID the fck out of it to get even remotely close to a single modern SSD>

I have friends in China that work in flash manufacturing, so I know those 3DS cards cost a pittance, so please, stop with your propaganda.

P.S Its possible to extract data from any dead storage device both SSD and HDD given the budget and the resource, you can extract data from a drilled, scorched, HDD splatter if you have the budget, what's your point? Throw enough money and resources at something and all digital data can be recovered, regardless of the medium. Again, What's your point?

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Edited By kazeswen

@Xirtahm: Bluray and DVD and other optical media are good for films and music, but are very ill suited for gaming, since gaming requires speed for loading and installation.

Even HDD which in essence is just another form of outdated spinning media, is too antiquated for gaming.

The quicker we phase out spinning media for gaming the better. Its ridiculous that in the year 2016, I'm still waiting for my Street Fighter V stages to load. Get fck outta here, even back in the 1992, I wasn't waiting for Street Fighter to load. Hell, if Street Fighter 2 took as long to load as Street Fighter V the game would have bombed at the arcades.

Hell even back on Sega Saturn I was booting my Street Fighter game off of a Static Ram Card, there was zero load time.

Flash forward to 2016, I'm waiting for Street Fighter to LOAD. We've actually digressed in gaming in terms of storage and booting.

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Edited By kazeswen

@Thanatos2k: I wouldn't say the price increase is the cost of the flashcards, since those cards are dirt cheap, considering they are read only cards, if anything the flashcards of the DS era cost more to manufacturer.

If any increases in prices for handhelds are to be, its because of the fact that handhelds are now more graphically intensive with CGI cutscenes and voice acting. Back in the days a handheld game was nothing more than some cheap text and some sprite graphics.

I think the final move to SS storage is a great move especially for gaming.

But DVD and Bluray are still good for movies since there is no need for speedier media for films.

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@Barighm: Well, maybe they'll read this. LOL

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Edited By kazeswen

@bickle2: New flash when an HDD achieves a certain level of bad sectors your drive is gone. So, no Solid State is not less stable than HDD, in fact the opposite is true, HDD have little to no resistance to shock, which is why most older laptops came with anti shock software designed to stop the HDD from spinning during drops. Thinkpad was the first to use this technology. SSD eliminate the need to anti-shock software, because there are no spinning parts.

As for 4TB SSD being 1500 that's false. I own a PC with 1TB SSD, and it cost me 260 dollars. So, you can technically get 4x1TB unit at about 1000 grand. Still much more expensive than HDD, but about 8x faster as most HDD can only do about 70MB R/W as opposed to 500MB R/W.

Also professional game cards do not use R/W flash as consumers do, since they are designed to Read only, so you can't really place consumer level prices on manufacturer cartridges designed for games, since they are different products. But they will still be more expensive than BDRs.

Also, again, NX is an handheld console, so it has no alternative other than solid state storage.

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#@bickle2: No, that's where you are wrong, if a dev takes there time before going gold a game won't need as many patches. The complexity is the not the reason, there are 5 dollar games on PSN and Steam with literally just flash graphics and simple sprite art that require multiple patches.

There have been tons of games released during the PS2 era infinitely more complex than Binding of Isaac that never needed a single patch, why because PS2 didn't support patching so games needed to go gold without bugs. Simple as that.

Please don't spread your ignorance any further on the complexity of games being the source for patches. If that were so then there would be no need for any patches any Indie game, but most have tons of patches.

The primary reason why devs patch is very simple, human laziness and the desire to get a product into the market quickly. When there is no one to oversea a mandate on patch free day one releases, then you will forever see day one patches. Complexity of the games have nothing to do with it.

Nintendo is notoriously antiquated when it comes to third party scrutiny, because of Nintendo's antiquated way with dealing with third party devs, there games tend to go gold in better release conditions.

If complexity had anything to do with it then games like Binding of Isaac would never require a single balance patch, and every single AAA PS2 game would have required a patch, but that's not the case.

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@holenjd: Nintendo is one of the few company's who have this in check. There handheld gaming devices rarely ever have major game updates.

I think developers feel more inclined to perfect the code when the media they are using to distribute the game costs more than 10 cents.

Its like when they are ready to commit to ordering a million cartridges they wanna make sure that they never have to print another cartridge ever again.