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@davillain-: True PC is where its at. Free...I mean cheap games, and no online fees. Also right now the only place for 4K gaming is PC.

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@darthrevenx: Honestly I think all comic book are equally bad, so really it doesn't matter who directs what, cause I watch them just for thrills. I don't think anybody takes comic book films seriously enough to scrutinize who's directly what. They are all just popcorn fluff for dates, and movie night with the bros.

Thor, Super Man, Ironman, Captain America, X-Men, I have no idea who's directly what, nor do I care. I don't even think the directors care for that matter, they are just cashing in a massive pay cheque.

The studios don't care, as long as the comic book stuff keeps turning in profit.

As long as X Men keeps making money, nobody is replacing Singer, cause honestly who they gonna replace him with, some other nobody director that no one cares about.

Comic book films are like the cowboy flicks of our grandparents era, studios don't care. As long as the director comes in on budget and gives them something that's watchable they're happy.

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@dlCHIEF58: They are scammers on game trades, that's why you should just trade your games on Kijiji and Craigslist to cut out the middleman. But they do sometimes have decent sales.

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@darthrevenx: PC has never been truly sustainable, since most people who are tech savvy enough to built a 2000 dollar beast are also savvy enough to know that PC gaming is virtually DRM free since you control the OS which runs the games. So most PC gamers are expecting games to be free after the initial 2k investment.

PC gaming has made a come back mostly due to the huge push from MS to make all AAA games cross-plat, I'm not complaining, we've never seen more console AAA make it to PC since the good old days of PC gaming.

As for the BS 100 dollar season pass games, I've never in all honestly ever finished a AAA game and still had the time or desire to play more content. So for me since games are all like 80hrs long nowadays, its a huge relief that DLC is kept off the initial game discs. Its a huge chore for me to finish modern games to begin, having to spend more time on finishing the DLC is just too much for me. So it doesn't bother me one bit. I've never bought a single DLC for any single player game ever. Its like Witcher 3, I spent 80hrs on finishing it, I've had enough Witcher 3 for one life time, I have no interest in any of the DLCs.

Whether or not things are sustainable, we'll see. Considering how all games are going multiplat on PC, that's leaves a huge pandorah's box open, since the reason why games stopped going multiplat on PC to begin with was due to the open format and easy piracy of PC's in the first place. Its like Devs haven't really learned why they all moved to consoles to begin with. LOL

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@darthrevenx: Singer will never give up his X-Men job. With how tough it is for A-list directors to survive nowadays, expect Singer to hang onto his men in tights job like his life depends on it.

Nobody is giving up a men in tights gig in Hollywood anymore.

Dan Stevens originally wanted to become the next Bond, but gave that dream up to wear tights on TV, that shows you how much power the comic book fad is. Its the only secure job in the film industry.

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@freedom01: That's premature, its gonna depend on the price. If the new systems are priced at a premium, expect a lot of gamers to jump to PC instead.

Its really gonna depend on how much Sony and MS are willing to subsidize the new hardware.

This is actually one of the worst times to be a console gamer right now, and one of the best to be a PC gamer. With online service prices going up on consoles, and hardware life cycles being cut down drastically, and MS's massive push for all games to go PC cross-plat.

I've never seen PC gaming being more viable, its like a Phoenix rising from the dead for PC gaming.

This mid-cycle refresh for both and MS and Sony will either succeed or fail on a grand scale, no one knows what will happen.

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@Raphy_Turtle: So, I guess the only thing separating Asians and Caucasians is the eyebrow. Interesting. LOL

I was watching Lawrence of Arabia recently on Bluray, and I realized that surprisingly enough with great acting and great makeup you can actually make any white man look middle-eastern with relative ease, maybe we aren't all too unalike after all.

But yeah, they are trying too hard to stay true to the anime look, trying to make people look like cartoons is never a good sign for any adaptation.

So, sad, if Ridley Scott had directed this, it would have been awesome, he's the only director who can do dystopian sci-fi in realistic manner.

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@Xristophoros: Lets just hope and pray that this movie doesn't end up having that nasty cosplay look and feel that so many manga adaptations have.

Whenever they do these adaptations they tend to take the mangas too literal and try to make the characters look too similar to the source material, without realizing that one is a cartoon the other is a live action film.

Looking at these photos I'm a little hesitant, because some of those characters look a little too cosplayed out, Batou for one does not look like a real person, but rather someone at comic con dressed up like a manga character.

This is one of those things that a great director like Ridley Scott can rectify but lessor directors will usually make the mistake of making the movie look like a cosplay event. The characters need to look real for the movie to work, any visual cues from the manga should be discarded when doing live action.

So far, doesn't look good.

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Play a DS version of an N64 game on the Wii U? Are people on crack?

The original game ran at 704x480 resolution, the DS versions runs at 256 × 192.

This is like watching an old VHS movie on a compressed VCD through a 1992 flip phone.

Acute to torture I would think.

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Edited By kazeswen

@Xristophoros: Since when was Batou Asian? His name is actual Bart, as in Bartholomew, due to the Japanese pronunciation it became Batou, and he was never meant to be Asian even in the Manga.

Aside from the major, I think they did an admirable job in casting, they even managed to get Kitano in it. Plus, the major is an android and hence racially androgynous, so I think Scarlette would do ok as the role.

And thank God the Japanese did not attempt to adapt this, they are by the far the worst at manga adaptations in the world. Look at Attack on Titan, it was horrible beyond belief. The Japanese studios don't have the budget nor the expertise to do reasonable sci-fi manga adaptations, so I'm glad they let Hollywood take the helm on this one.

As far as I'm concerned this movie already has an A-list Asian cast with Kitano. Anymore Japanese actors the film would be unsellable outside of Japan. Also I found a lot of the characters in GIT to be non Asian to begin with, they just happen to speak Japanese because the manga was in Japanese.