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@kingjulian84: There is a lot of hate on the board, its always like this whenever there is change in the medium. People want games to remain childlike and antiquated forever, which is wrong.

There is only so much you can do when you are bound by such antiquated design philosophy, it like saying that all films must have a 3 act structure, with a plot, and ton of drama to be good.

You can work within certain confines and achieve greatness but you can also go beyond it.

But most people hate change.

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Edited By kazeswen

@kingjulian84: God, you are dense aren't you.

I was praising the game Einstein. In case you didn't realize that I was commending that gaming has changed and has grown beyond simple mechanics like bosses, stages, levels, save points etc.

I love it when games challenge the very notion of what is a game.

And would love to play a VR game where I just smoke a cigarette on the balcony and gaze across the horizon.

This shows that like cinema gaming has the potential to be more than just commerce, it can be art as well as commerce.

You can have regular games like Dark Souls and then you can have games like Abzu and both arthouse and commercial games and co-exist just as arthouse films and commercial films can co-exist.

You clearly need to work on your reading comprehension my friend, because you've completely misread what I wrote.

And please don't pile me in the same crowd as the OP, one must grow and accept change to mature.

Surprise how when someone is decided on judging another they stop reading and begin to make up their own interpretation of what's written, learn to read not assume.

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@youre_a_sheep: Or maybe the objective is not to strive for any trophies at all, or accomplish anything at all, maybe its just going for an emotion. A feeling, that might be all the game wishes to achieve.

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@horosavinXX: No, gaming has changed, it will even change more with VR coming, you'll see more and more arthouse games like these.

Think Terrance Malick type games, that have no plot, no drama, no real gaming objectives, just games that exist to evoke a single feeling. Usually the feeling of melancholy.

These arthouse games inspire arthouse reviews, it is what it is, as gaming changes you'll also see changes in the way games are reviewed.

Gone are the old bosses, goals, objectives, even conventional story. Hell you might even see a game where a character just stands by the balcony smoking a VR cigarette as you watch the horizon darken as day fades into night.

Welcome to the new world. I'm also oldschool like you, but I've come to terms with gaming changing.

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Edited By kazeswen

@elessarGObonzo: I already decided I'm not gonna spend my money on a QuadCore, that's a mute point. I don't buy outdated tech, quad is going the way of the dodo, regardless if games use it now or later, the fact that DX12 is designed to utilize threading to its max means I'm going for Hexacore.

That's one area I will not save money on. So there is no point in arguing that. Like I said, I don't buy dead tech.

I will look into your cheaper PSU and Cheaper case, but I like Corsair for personal reasons. And yes that 1TB SSD is damn cheap, its only 270 bucks, and yes I have over 1TB of games and no I will not be go back to gaming on HDD ever on a PC. I looked it up a RAID array at will cost me the same as that 1TB SSD that I found. So no, I'm getting the 1TB SSD.

And no I will not get a system with no Bluray drive, for various reasons, A) I burn a lot of discs for work and for play, and B) A gaming system with no optical drive is just wrong.

So your savings only add up to cheaper case, and cheaper PSU, and no I'm not going down to 16gb of ram, when 32gb at 2x16 is relatively cheap to begin with.

And I already own an 4K TV so that's moot. And no I;m not planning on getting a 4K monitor, that shits way too steep for my blood. Plus I hate gaming on monitors nowadays.

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I think studios have learned with "Allegiant" that two part movies is very very bad idea. It worked with the Twilight generation, but that's a very different circumstance that is very hard to repeat aka tweens in love with Robert.

I hope this will mark the end of the two part movie fad.

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Edited By kazeswen

@joshrmeyer: Yeah, $299 just for Bluray, but you forget the XB1 also does games. So, you get a 4k bluray player and a free game system, whaaat!

That's exactly how Sony played it with PS3, back in the days it was for the longest time the cheapest Bluray player in the market.

If I'm shopping for a 4K Bluray player, Am I gonna get one for $299? or am I gonna get one that also comes with a free XB1 system for $299? Even if I already have a XB1, I'd still get the XB1S since having a second console for FREE is better than just a 4K Bluray player alone for $299.

MS is essentially giving away a free console with a 4K Bluray player.

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@croxus: The Gtx 1060 is shit, don't get it. All it does is play 1080p, which your current card already does, the 1060 cannot play 4K, so why would you upgrade a GPU that exactly what your current GPU already does which is play 1080p.

You should get the GTX 1070 at least it can do some 4K

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@Cnoggl01: Yeah, but he can play any game that is online now on a PS4, since 90 percent of all games are multi-plat. He only needs a XBONE to play the exclusives and those exclusives will have online support forever since they are all MS's top tier franchises.