@troll_elite: You're probably looking at around $13/month with an initial $300-400 investment for the Scorpio.
At 13 a month that's about 156 per year, that's almost 100 more than the normal annual fee of 59.99.
At 3 years, you're looking at a subsidy of 300 dollars, assuming the Scorpio will be minimum $600, you need to pay an initial of $300 on a 3 year contract of 13 a month.
There is no way the Scorpio is gonna cost $500 guaranteed. A 6 teraflop GPU alone costs $450, not account the CPU, ram, Bluray Drive and all the other parts that will come with the Scorpio.
Reading about this made me think of project Scorpio which actually does interest me, as it proposes for true 4K Gaming. At 6 Teraflops it can only do 4K at 30fps, so I started thinking what would it cost to get a true 60fps 4K Beast.
I tried to build a PC yesterday for true 4K gaming, and was shocked at the actual cost of a real legit 4K machine that can do 4K at over 60fps consistent. This does not even include a 4K Monitor which is another 1000 dollars.
1TB SSD (Cheapest one to install all your games on SSD) = $270
Corsair 760T tower (Cheapest best Sli Tower) = $220
Thermaltake 750w Sli Power Supply (Cheapest best Sli Power) = $120
Corsair H60 Liquid Coolant (Cheapest and best liquid coolant) = $60
LG Bluray Drive (You need this for games and pron) = $90
Grand Total = $2780 + tax = about 3 grand.
Now, all myths aside, this is the real world price of a true 4K 60fps system that can play every game maxed at stable 60 frames. No monitor, no keyboard, no mouse, not even a controller. This is just the system alone. Didn't even go all out with Sli 1080 and I7 Octocore.
Wow, that's steep. I gotta tighten my wallet after getting this thing. But safe to say that the myths of building a true 4K beast with chump change is busted.
@troll_elite: Then expect $150 Xbox Live annual fees, my friend.
The way contacts work is they increase the bill rate to accommodate the subsidies that they give you. I.E If Xbox Live is $50 normally, they will charge $150 and pocket the extra $100 to help pay for your free console.
This is what the phone company's do. If the phone service is actually worth $30, they will charge $80 and for better phones they will force you to get an $150 plan to cover the costs.
The question is do you wanna pay $150 for Xbox Live?
@Kano92: With all the mid console updates, I'm thinking of getting a True 4K gaming rig and getting back into PC gaming in pure 4K glory. I'm not even gonna bother hooking up the system to a 4K Monitor at all. I'm gonna hook it up to my 2560 Ultra Wide display for all PC usage like work and stuff, and simultaneously hook it up to my 4K TV using a very long HDMI Cable for all game related usage, which is a lot.
I'm looking at: (i7 Hexacore 6800k, Dual Sli GTX 1070, 32Gb ram (2x16, will upgrade to 128gb later), 1 TB SSD boot, 4TB Raid HDD, 750w power supply, liquid cooling.)
It'll cost about 3 grand. But hey, why not, its about time I went full force back into PC gaming. VR and 4K gaming has me very excited, I haven't been this excited about PC gaming in over a decade.
Bottom line, true 4K gaming is very very very very very expensive. I just realized how expensive today.
@kamikaz_e: There will be no Wii U successor, Nintendo is leaving the non handheld business. There will be NX and that's it. No 3DS2 no Wii U 2, just NX. One ring to rule them all.
@Kickable: Well I always use the path of least resistance, so I sniped everyone and finished the game. Hated it. The old MGS games forced you to think in terms of stealth cause the stages were closed off, and you had no other choice. I think if they ever make another MGS they need to go back to the closed off level design.
If it does contain the extra level against the giant Metal Gear piloted by the annoying kid, then I'll just watch it on youtube, I have no intention of ever playing this again. One time was enough.
@the-games-masta: Gameplay was shit, the open world ruined all the stealth element of MGS. You can just snipe everyone and walk into the every level after everyone was sniped by tranquilizers. It made the game garbage.
The old closed off levels, made the game more interesting stealth wise.
kazeswen's comments