@haywaja: Yeah but my PC plays 4K games all native and can do HDR and I can hook it up to my TV.
You know what my PC can't do, play 4K Blurays.
Like I said I don't believe too many games will benefit from the extra GPU power, mainly because I don't think devs are gonna bother optimizing the code to use the extra power since there no monetary gain for them to do so.
I can understand if you don't own the old PS4 you might get this, but for those like me who already have a PS4, there is no reason to upgrade, when I can get an XB1 S for cheaper and it comes with a 4K Bluray.
@smokerob79: That's not gonna happen, they will not hang onto the XB1 and PS4 banner forever, mid console hardware swaps happen all the time. Nintendo is master of it.
DS went to DSi and with it came DSi exclusive games, DS is weaker than the DSi.
3DS went to New 3DS and with it came New 3DS exclusive games. 3DS is weaker than the New 3DS.
Nintendo has been doing mid-generation cash grabs for decades now.
When a console is coming to the end of its life cycle, it is wise to release an second slightly more powerful version of the same console to make some quick cash, before you move to the next generation.
Don't think for one moment that XB1 and PS4 will be around forever with XB1 Cobra, XB1 Lion, XB1 Zebra. PS4 Pro, PS4 Super Pro, PS4 Super Duper Pro, PS4 Super Duper Duper Pro. Hell, no, do you see how retarded that is.
This is a what's called late generation hardware cash grab. Sony and MS learned this from Nintendo. In 2-3 years PS4 and XB1 will be gone, and they will be replaced by the PS5 and XB2.
You're very naïve if you believe they will keep making PS4 and XB1 with added crazy name behind it. This is a one time deal. Once they make their money, they will all move onto the next gen.
When they say they are getting rid of console generations, that's them lying to children. Us adults know better.
Its like the IPhone, they have IPhone 6, IPhone 6 plus, then IPhone 6S (last cash grab). Then they move to IPhone 7, 7plus and finally 7S. They will not keep the IPhone 6 and just keep adding weird names behind it.
@haywaja: That's exactly why I would want it come with some extra benefits. Because it is still just a PS4. So for those of us who already own a PS4, why should we get this?
It doesn't even come with a Bluray player.
Not a very good incentive for any of us to upgrade is it?
@smokerob79: Problem is PC's can't currently play 4K Blurays. That's why I'm looking into getting a 4K BluRay player myself.
And don't even think about downloading 4K Blurays, they range from 100gb to 140gb in size.
What do you mean true 4K source? Where are you getting your 4K movie sources for your PC? Do you own MGM and have them ship uncompressed 4K movies to you via satellite uplink?
@haywaja: Very curious omission since XB1 S came out first and had the Bluray player.
At 4.2 teraflop this thing ain't no beast. Safe to say that you're not gonna get much out of it that you aren't already getting with your current PS4, that is if any third party developers even attempt to push the hardware, which they most likely will not, since its still not enough for true 4K.
For me any new system I'm getting needs to have something more than simply empty promises of better performance which you may or may not see pan out, since we all know that New 3DS has better performance than old 3DS and no dev other than Nintendo has to this day made a single game run better on the new hardware.
Mid-cycle console upgrades are a finicky thing Nintendo has been doing it for years, with DS, DSi, DSi XL, and 3DS to New 3DS. But if history has shown us, mid-cycle hardware upgrades do not result in better software, simply because the developers don't like to waste resources on optimizing for the better performance when it doesn't strengthen their bottom line.
Think of it like this. There is currently 60million users on the OLD PS4 and when the new PS4 Pro comes out there will how many adopters? 100 thousand, 200 thousand, 1 million? That's not exactly a number that devs feel comfortable with when it comes to shifting resources over to pander to.
Which is say that 90 percent chances are all these new mid-cycle systems will not be getting any games that will push the hardware. Developers will just ship out the same game optimized to run on the old PS4, because that's the console with higher userbase.
With that said, there is no reason to even bother with mid-console upgrades unless you are getting something for free, in this its a free 4K Bluray player.
In the New 3DS case, it was the steadier 3D performance from headtracking. Cause lets face it you will no see any dev optimize their code for the new hardware, because its got zero userbase.
@smokerob79: That's only when an new gen starts, but when they split a single Gen into two separate hardwares each playing the exact same game ala New 3DS and 3DS, devs do not optimize for the second tier console.
You are mistaking a new gen with the same gen with two different hardware.
As far as devs are concerned they only need to make the game run on the old PS4 and who cares about the hundred thousand people who own the new hardware. The game runs on both systems anyway. There is no financial incentive for them to optimize for the better version of the console.
This is why you see no difference between games running on New 3DS and Old 3DS. There is no reason for them to make the games run better on the better hardware, they don't see any financial gains from it.
Think about it. You have 2 consoles, Sony says you MUST support BOTH with the same games, but you CAN make one version of the game run better.
Why would I bother making one version run better? When 60 million people own the old console, and only what 20 thousand own the new console! Why would I bother wasting my money and my time making the game look better for a console that only 20 thousand people own, when I can just release the exact same game for both consoles, save my time and money and develop another game, instead of pandering to try to help Sony sell more consoles.
Its a different story when its a brand new generation, because you are trying to build new userbase, but remember this the same GEN here. PS4 and PS4 Pro play the same games.
@haywaja: I have a 4K TV, but I haven't got the player yet. I like to save money as most human beings do. So I was waiting to get a console that comes with a free Bluray player.
I don't have an XB1, looks like I might get one now. I'm gonna wait till Black Friday for the XB1 S to go on sale.
Bottom line is people like to save money. If your choice is a console with 4K player and one without, then the choice becomes kinda obvious.
I just wanted to clear something up with everyone afraid of the older PS4 losing support and games running like shit in the future. This won't happen.
If history is any factor, and trust me history is always a factor.
Game developers, use their resources to develop games based on 1 single factor = console userbase. That's it, they don't care about spec bumps or the fact that they can do new things on the new console.
Anytime 2 consoles in the same generation are released with 2 different specs. The one with bigger userbase (The Original Console) will be the one where all the games are being optimised for. Little to no resources will be shifted to use the faster hardware, because there is no financial incentive to do so. Developers spend $$$ on developing and optimising game code for one reason, to make money and in order to make money, they need to be selling their games to the console with the biggest userbase.
For this reason, you can rest assured, that aside from exclusive Sony and MS first party releases, there will be little to developer incentive to actually spend any money making games better for these new consoles.
New 3DS vs Old 3DS has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt. In the time the New 3DS has been introduced into the market, there have been only 1 cartridge exclusive game on the new hardware, and zero improvements made to games to take advantage of the better hardware. Even games that can run better on the New 3DS are never patched to run any better, because the userbase is just not there to make it worthwhile for devs to optimise the code.
Expect the same thing with these console mid-gen upgrades. As a developer there is little to no incentive to spend time and resources to optimising my code for the new hardware when the userbase on them = 0. Even when they sell hundreds of thousands of units that's still 60million vs Hundred Thousand.
Expect a repeat of New 3DS vs Old 3DS, with little to no software taking advantage of the new hardware other than first party games designed to move hardware. As a developer your goal is to move software, not to optimize software to help Sony and MS sell systems of which you see zero percent of. Why bother making games run better on the new hardware when there is little to no userbase on them? Its all about profit.
kazeswen's comments