@sakaixx: Why wouldn't they release them in 4K? If 1080p Bluray has proven anything is that every movie will get a release at some point in time, especially the hard to find movies.
A distributor is more likely to release an hard to find movie in 4K Bluray than a movie that everyone can stream on Netflix.
Criterion makes a business out of only releasing hard to find movies.
Nice spin Sony, but not everyone is completely clueless.
What they suggest is impossible, because Streaming services need to renew their licenses to keep the content up on their servers.
There is no way any streaming service will ever own the rights to every movie at all times. This reason alone makes disc media future proof.
People wanna watch their favorite movies when they wanna watch it, not when Netflix deems it worthy of their monthly catalogue.
The notion that disc based media disappearing is ludicrous. Because of licenses. You wanna watch a movie on Netflix, guess what it ain't there no more, cause the license expired.
But guess what I can watch it on my 4K bluray player anytime cause I own the damn disc.
I have no idea how anybody in their right mind would think hiring Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter director and two leading men that nobody has ever heard of on an 100 million dollar historical epic would = profit.
Who's is in it? Nobody Who's the director? Nobody What's it about? Ben-Hur. How much did you spend on it? 100 million not including P&A.
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