@iloveyourface: Blame it fatty, who keeps turning out more of these BS novels to make himself richer. They should have ended this crap three seasons ago. Its becoming a soap opera with the amount of supposedly dead people coming back to life.
I don't know what people expected from this game, its essentially a HD Megaman in 2016. What do you expect, it gives you exactly what you asked for which is a 1990s game in HD being released in 2016. Of course the game will have all the 1990s trapping and failings, cause that's what people wanted!
If you're gonna rate this game a 5, you might as well just rate all the old Megaman games 5 as well cause they were all the same.
@wolfpup7: Actually I think the 3DS is the greatest console name ever invented, it single handedly beat Vita. Vita being one of the worst names ever invented.
3DS told you right out of the gate that this system is GLASSLESS 3D. Which for me sold the system from day one, because nobody has ever seen glassless parallax 3D before, it was new and high tech, even to this day the 3DS's parallax 3D is the most advanced technology in the market.
3DS single handily put Vita in its grave, cause it was 3D without Glasses, even if you don't like games, you can appreciate 3D without glasses.
And also Wii being the worst name in gaming history sold more console than ever, so I guess names don't matter that much. Wii U didn't fail cause of its name, it failed cause Wii already made sure Nintendo lost all its core fanbase and all its serious third party partners. Wii setup Wii U's failure.
@wolfpup7: Problem with Phones and gaming is two folds. 1) No Tactile buttons which makes serious gaming impossible, cause you need physical buttons, thus relegating phones to casual touch games. 1) Lack of hardware rendering = battery drain on massive CPU usage on graphically intensive games. I.E most AAA games on phones will literally only last 15-30min before the massive resources needed to render the games eats away at the battery. For example Mortal Kombat X on IPhone 6 lasts literally 20min on a full charge.
For those reasons Phones will never replace dedicated handhelds. You can't play serious games cause there are no buttons and your phone dies in 20min whenever you try to play anything graphically intensive. Also there the added issue of Battery technology having not improved in decades means that you want to reserve every ounce of precious battery life for actual phone calls, which is more important than gaming.
For those reasons, Nintendo has found themselves in a very good position they've eliminated all their competition in the handheld market essentially now claiming full monopoly on handheld gaming market. That's quite a feat.
@hussin005: Don't need to be an award winning writer to know bad writing when I see it. Just like I don't need to win an Oscar to know bad acting when I see it.
RRRRR is a very mediocre writer from what I've seen. He ain't no Scott Card, Tolkien, or K. Dick, no matter how many Rs he puts in his name, he's still no Tolkien.
Its Soap opera writing 101. Dead people pop back to life every other episode, a bunch of people sitting around talking about things that happened, the amount of talking about things happening is absurd. Its all so soapy.
The worst kind of writing is deus ex machina, and making the audience/reader feel like they are being told something on purpose.
When you break bring random characters back to life you essentially use deus ex machina what you are saying is that I do it because I wanna do it. When you have characters sit around and tell audiences something that happened over and over again, you are essentially making the audience feel that the they are enveloped in a fake story and that you are simply pushing the plot forward by telling them what happened, it breaks suspension of disbelief, again piss poor writing.
I was laughing when that priest start explaining how he found the big dude half dead and had to nurse him back to life and thought that he was gonna die. Really? Would people really just suddenly out of nowhere start saying to one another unless it was movie? A lot of the dialogue that happens in Game of Thrones wouldn't happen in reality instead they serve to push the plot forward and fill the audience in. Which explains why this show hasn't won any major accolades since Season 1.
I can keep going on and on about how piss poor of a writer RRR is, but you get my point.
@simmons5533: I just don't think Nintendo has the cashflow to do annual releases, they just don't have the man power.
They not only have to develop for home console but also handheld. I can't see them keeping that up annually. Plus Zelda U took what 4 years to make, even then they needed to outsource, that's just one game.
Considering how most AAA games now take 3-4 years to develop even with tons of cash behind it, I can't see Nintendo increasing their output, without breaking the bank.
@Megavideogamer: Nintendo will never be bought out. Worst case they drop the home console market all together and become a handheld only company, where they have a monopoly. They have zero competition in the handheld market and probably never will again with Sony dropping out after Vita.
@simmons5533: That's cause Nintendo has no third party support, their staff needs to make every single game for their console, Imagine a studio making every game, all the time. They'd need to hire every coder in Japan to satisfy annual releases.
This is also the reason why Nintendo games never drop in MSRP, because they expect to sell the same game for 5 years straight.
kazeswen's comments