@fastharrydotcom: Sony's got 53% market share MS has 28% and Nintendo has the rest.
Sony has more than both MS and Nintendo combined in terms of console sales.
So, explain to why would you want to be MS, unless you like losing.
Places like China and India are very very cheap when it comes to gaming. In other words, they will NOT buy a console that needs to be upgraded. The whole plan, doesn't work outside of New York.
@fastharrydotcom: Well sadly you don't build an empire based on only people who can buy Crackdown. World Sales drives the bottom line, not New York sales.
That's the reason Xbox is losing to PS4, they only have USA sales. Where as PS4 is kicking ass all over the world.
Start thinking about China, and India, places like that. If everyone in China bought an XB1, MS will have beaten everyone in the console war for all time.
You gotta stop seeing modern businesses as US only, the big money is always international.
@fastharrydotcom: Right, your forgetting about half the world that have shit internet. Even places in the states with slow ass internet that can't even run Pong via a server.
You seem to think everyone lives in New York,. They don't, there's a whole world outside of New York.
@barcaazul: I too got a Sega CD back then. Tell you the truth it was a great experience. Because it the first time where voice acting and full motion video were part of a video game.
I remember playing all the FMV games on the system, Sewer Shark, Nigh Trap, etc, etc. I still remember those FMV games to this day.
Its always cool to be in the grounds up on a new evolution in gaming. To this day I still love cinematic QTE movie style games, possibly from my fond experience from the Sega CD days.
In short, I'll pickup the Sony VR, 'cause it'll be a new experience for me.
@Slannmage: 'Cause of the software Einstein. Your new TV still shows the same programming, your new Phone still makes the same calls. Your NEW Console plays different games.
A console is the same as a Bluray Player or DVD player or VHS player, it is designed to UNIFY one single Medium for delivering software content for one generation.
Would you go out and buy a brand new Bluray player every 2 years just so you can watch the newest Bluray Movie? NO. How would you like it if I told you that the new Thor BluRay will ONLY run on a new Thor exclusive Bluray player? You'd flip out.
Don't compare general electronics that perform general tasks such as a TV or a Phone with specialty electronics designed to deliver one specific piece of content, in this case games.
If I told you that you needed a new Bluray player every year for the latest movies, and it costs 400 would you still buy Bluray movies?
How about a new Ipod for every single Taylor Swift album, cause her music just won't play on your old devices.
@skiggy34: You forget China, one of the biggest markets on Earth. Now open for the first time in history to consoles.
This is a country where people still play Counter Strike on old ass Celeron systems. Chinese people don't like to upgrade gaming.
They want 1 PS4, 1 XB1, and 1 Nintendo whatever the hell.
Ain't nobody in China gonna buy 2 XB1s, vs 1 PS4.
Console is meant to be simple, you buy it and you forget about it for 7 years. I have a 4K TV and even I won't buy an XB1 in 4K. I would however buy Nintendo NX in 4K, since it's a completely new system.
Selling 2 consoles in one life cycle, that doesn't fly.
@infernoxas: Yeah but when I pay hard earned money on a console game, I wanna know that the devs worked their asses off tweaking the code to get it to run as best as it can possibly run for that system, That's the ONLY reason I'm willing to pay the extra royalty fees to Sony and MS for the console price of a game.
If MS introduces XB1.1 then basically devs need not work as hard on XB1 version since they can just opt to make it run better with relative ease on XB1.1. So, in the end you will see two gaming tiers, the slower version on XB1 and the faster version on XB1.1.
So, no, I'll pass. I'm not paying extra money for games on console unless they are optimized for the console. So, in that sense, I'll stick with PS4, at least I'll know that my royalty fees are going to making sure that game is running at its absolute best.
kazeswen's comments