@nparks: The world is very practical. You must do exactly what you are hired to do, an award winning film director must win awards and a commercial director must deliver box office numbers. Gore failed at his job, so he's out. Its like if Terrence Malick is not able to deliver arthouse accolades.
@ewjiml: Never seen a Abrams film anymore than once. They are entertaining, but they are fluff, there's nothing there, he doesn't have a sense of self or depth. Some filmmakers have great depth like Ridley Scott, others have great sense of self like Spielberg, Abrams makes films that are neither deep or unique. They are just decent films that could have been made by another director. So, in that respect I think he's pretty average.
@Fartman7998: I think Nolan is done with blockbuster franchises. He doesn't want to do those films anymore, looks like he's only interested in his original personal films. Also he desperately wants an Oscar, so Star Wars was not gonna do that for him.
@toomanymemes: JJ is not a master of movie making, please don't spread those rumors. Look at his awards, it reads like nothing but fluff. Spielberg was a master, Ridley Scott a master, Abram is a very mediocre movie maker who makes safe movies that happen to open well box office wise.
kazeswen's comments