Ha, sweet! The one lone bestbuy that is getting these kiosks is the bestbuy that is literally a 2 minute drive from my house. (there are multiple in my small state of CT).
Anything other than pure non DRM is unacceptable. I don't care about whatever fudgey way they try and spin this or make this DRM work. It's still DRM. I won't own my xbox one games, period. I can't buy into a system that does this. You shouldn't either.
@Clownbabby You insult the wii by comparing this POS even to that under powered system. Why? The wii had many many amazing gems buried under the crap. Also, you could actually own your games and play used games on it, so people will enjoy them 10-20 years from now.
@DeltaMike90 @keldarironfist Reduced prices dont make up for a lack of ownership of games. I am no forced to import games from europe just to avoid steam. Steam doesn't *use* DRM, it IS DRM. I grew up playing games on PC in the 90's and this is very anti consumer, just like the xbox one.
@Allan_X Steam is garbage, this is just another steambox. Steam means no physical copies, and the steamcrippled physical games are tied to an account, just like this. And no, getting your games cheaper doesn't make me or many others feel better about not owning our games.
@Gabliaven I am on the same page essentially. You don't own your content with digital, and STEAM is just PC DRM. If your gmaes are tied to cloud computing, online checks, or user profiles, than no matter what your console will be useless when the company has moved on for one reason or another. It's one big rental box. Don't support digital distribution or DRM crippled physical games. I sure as hell won't, and anyone else who cares about the health of the industry shouldn't either.
keldarironfist's comments