Of course it's an open world game, that's what all the kids love these days. Nobody wants a really focused and engaging single player game, they just wanna run around!
Soft action and more zombies? We seriously have enough fucking zombies in games thanks. We want a hardcore challenging Ninja Gaiden game. But hey the kiddies want something easy and mass market, so we won't get that. Remember, gamers don't want to play game anymore apparently, they want to play "interactive content experiences".
@Adavanter Alot of modern games now are meant to be streamlined and simpler and less gamey for modern and younger fans, it's pretty fucking tragic. It's happening everywhere. It's all about looking pretty, and playing well is a very distant second.
@bksonic123 @keldarironfist Core and numbered final fantasies up until very recently had always been turn based, so it's natural for fans to want that, just as they would for persona or dragon quest. The first 10 games have been reviewed, and received far better than squares attempts to turn the core series into an action game to appeal to modern gaming tastes which have down the tubes.
@Pierce_Sparrow @keldarironfist We should just automate everything then! Technology also made the cashier obsolete, so by your logic everything is better now that less people have jobs because automated self check out is clearly superior! Everything's better now right?
Not everything that is "new" is better, change can be for the worse. Action RPG's were around long before the "technology" advanced to allow for shitty automated action gaming. Sounds like you want a cinematic interactive movie, well that's what you are going to get.
Shit, why not make everything like this? Why even have genres? The technology allows for everything to be an automated action games with lots of shiny objects. Turn based gaming started as a limitation and turned out to be a fun, and according to reviews, superior gameplay style. Games CAN be something other than action :).
You are right, gaming tastes have changed, only they de-evolved which is why this series has been in the shitter so long, because of fans like yourself. I have nothing to mask, I indeed have NO ability to move on to something that is inferior and not remotely resembling anything that all those much better reviewed and loved older FF's resemble.
I love how anything that isn't simple, streamlined, and action oriented is RETRO. I guess anything other than an action game is retro then.
@prideofNY @keldarironfist @MotRFalcon No sir, I thought the game looked like an action POS the entire time, but I made peace with it because it wasn't a core FF title, which I apparently wrongly assumed would be an RPG. SO fans would get both types of games.
@Bachille @Benny_Blakk @endorbr It was hated for all those reasons, but also because it WAS NOT TURN BASED. It shows me that these kids do not know what turn based is if they think FF13 was that way. You controlled ONE character and the rest was automated, that is *not* final fantasy. It is *not* the "old way".
But by the sound of it, people would hate the "old way" even more! So clearly you kids don't want an RPG you want an interactive CG cutscene with lots of action! Thanks for ruining this wonderful series with your support for this garbage.
@Megares Sorry, apparently the new generation of fans want a pure action game so instead of making tactical combat choices via turn based systems they can then "just mash x" while running around like chickens so they can *feel* it's more action oriented and less boring. Because apparently the kiddies have an attention span of 3 seconds, hence the popularity of shooters :).
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