@JimmeyBurrows @Sohereiam It should have stayed a spin off then if it was going to continue to be an action game, plain and simple. FF games are turn based RPG's, even if that isn't the new hotness the kiddies love these days.
@JAHBU Kingdom Hearts isn't an RPG, its a pure action game with some very light RPG elements, it takes all the strategy and well, RPG out. But apparently kiddies these days want simple gameplay like KH, and now square is going to cater to you guys and ruin a core numbered final fantasy again, thanks.
@prideofNY @MotRFalcon No sir, Final Fantasy versus XIII was shown as an action game with very light RPG elements from the start, and that was fine. Now they rebranded it as the next CORE FF which has traditionally been a turn based RPG for most of it's life, and that is what bothers people. Really very simple.
@MotRFalcon Kingdom Hearts is an action game, Final Fantasy has always been a turn based RPG series at its heart. The fact that so many fans want pure action in the core numbered FF's is disturbing and says a lot about how badly gamer tastes have shifted.
@Grenadeh Why ruin another wonderful series? They will just ruin that series too and get rid of that awesome battle system and just make it another kingdom hearts action clone, cuz that's what the kiddies want! :).
@i_like_pie123 @mulac2910 They should have kept this a spin off then :). True numbered FF's should be turn based RPG's not crappy action games ala kingdom hearts.
@Spectre1987 What battle system? It's an action game......not a turn based RPG like , oh I don't know, most of final fantasy? Change is neither good nor bad, it is just change. This however, happens to be bad change that many think is fantastic. Pretty disturbing.
keldarironfist's comments