Microsoft can't simply buy games like this. It takes work, talent and an appreciation for story campaigns. You can only go so far with multiplayer maps or stitching them together trying to pass them off as a campaign. (Halo 5)
@Random_Matt: Not turning it on doesn't mean it's been traded in. I plan to plug mine back in this year some time. When something worthy of my 4K TV releases, I'll be there to enjoy it.
@ECH71: Cards that were once $350 now cost in the realm of $1000 because cryptominers are entirely on their own, wiping out the PC gaming industry. Read between the lines pal.
Expect thousands of these game codes to start showing up on eBay... cause after all, how many of these can a handful of cryptofag sonsofbitches actually need?
@thedarklinglord: I predicted this would be Microsoft's strategy back when they announced 360 bc. No one liked hearing it and labeled me a troll but.. here we are. As usual... as predicted.
Modern gamers looking for pure high resolution gaming, Atmos Headphone Audio and the most 4K features the Xbox One X is the closest you can get to a PC.
Consoles are all still very much crippled in some way or another and no console currently is the best. Right now I feel the X is best and before that the Pro was best and before that just the plain PS4 was best. But I've been a 4k gamer for a few years now and many have no clue what that's even like yet.
Too many personal variables. I do believe for the first time, the very next generation of consoles from both Xbox and PlayStation will indeed be the best consoles ever made and either will likely be easy decisions for anybody unless your only hung up on exclusives and brand names.
@pasullica: I've been under the impression this community doesn't give two shits about quality. At least that's how people have been acting the last several years. Maybe things have changed?
@bubba_666: To be fair, I think that statement was in regards to Forza 7. Microsoft only really claims anything when they are showing off a Forza title. There are LOTS of 60fps games on the X, a surprising amount compared to what I was expecting. It is still a console after all. I don't regret getting the X even though I have a vendetta against the evil that is still Microsoft.
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