2018 and still no pro patch. Its incredible the amount of modern releases from the last few years that still have no support for the pro or x. Prey, Battlefield 1, friday the 13 etc...
I hope someone reminds that idiot and his followers that mental illness and mass murder were around long before video games. Also, guns like fully and semi-automatic are designed solely for mass murder in war time and never even existed when the constitution was drawn up.
After just watching WACO, I've come to the conclusion the only way to stop Trump and his supporters are surround them at Mar A Lago and pump them full of tear gas. Maybe then the world can move on and start moving forward again.
If video games have taught us anything, it's that setting up automated turrets around our schools and assigning as many wastelanders security duty as possible leaves our settlements safe and our residence happy. At least that's what "could" happen by the end of the Trump regime....
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