There's no reason why PS4 Pro couldn't also do that since both platforms are AMD. Unless Sony did something else stupid with the HDMI data bus we don't know about yet. They left out UHD playback and most games barely run at 1440p vs the 4K HDR they hyped it up to be at the announcement so I'm sure there's other important corners they cut under the hood with that device.
As long as the next generation consoles support Freesynce 2, it's very likely TV makers will follow. First to the market will be sold out because gamers will snatch them up. It also explains why many newer games have the uncapped framerate mode we can't really do much with yet since it causes screen tearing.
The Division should have been the story of the pandemic spread and The Division 2 should have been a more refined version of the Division we already got.
Subpar sampling for 1080p TV owners, how nice. Where's the 4K gaming the Pro was suppose to give us? Still no Pro patches for several major, modern games. And the most of the ones that have it lean more towards 1440p at best.
Japan has the highest IQ per capita than any other country. The Whitehouse, the exact opposite. Trump supporters, well done. You gave some random, unqualified, uneducated dude the most important job in the country and everyday we all have to read and hear about how awful and stupid he is.
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