This is only shocking people because Xbox brand zealots have been online spouting 4K/60 console superiority longer than anyone else within the industry has been working to set the records straight and to moderate expectations.
Once the prospect of a 4k/60 Scorpio console came to be, the Xbox community abandoned the "resolution doesn't matter, it's the games that matter" meme in favor of vicariously living as PC gamers without any investment or formal training in it's arts. Now all of a sudden, the human eye CAN see 4k/60 and not just 720p/30 like Xbox gaming scientists originally thought.
@toonarmy20: If you want to play that game, say thank you to Sony for making the Pro and forcing Microsoft's hand to rush out a Scorpio. Or perhaps thank Sony for building the PlayStation long before there was ever Xbox. Or maybe thank Sony again for always being one step ahead and keeping the console gaming industry moving forward. I thank Microsoft for idiots likes you.
I think it's a safe bet devs will be more cooperative about updating their games now that both major console makers have hardware to take advantage of the effort. And this is not a deliberate troll attempt but if Microsoft is desperate for XoX support they will offer incentives to devs to make that happen. Since they're already patching, the Pro will have to see the patch as well. Everybody wins now that XoX is closing in.
All I care about now is finally having great graphics and tech from both console makers on any platform I want including PC. I can't see why anyone would want to be toxic or troll anymore. We all won, it's over. 4k for everyone!
20 years of veteran gaming on PC and that's a "new breed"? Did they not read the endless posts online at launch of the first title demanding a PC version?
I watched that video last night. Major Nelson makes sure to dumb down the entire thing a much as possible to help make better sense of it all for the perceived customer base. It would have been better if he sat that one out. Is the Xbox crowd really still afraid to use a screwdriver?
My only real gripe about the new console is they still didn't make the internal hard drive user swappable. the first thing I would have done is pulled that Seagate and replaced with an SSD.
KhanWasHere's comments