No campaign... don't give a crap about the rest. Any online multiplayer shooter should be free and fully financed by character purchases, skins, microtransaction, DLC and whatever other pay to play, pay to upgrade features they can think of. They'll likely make more money that way since CS:GO is thriving off of online gamer addictions.
@legendaryh1tman: You completely misunderstand my point, open world with a purpose vs open world without a purpose. You don't just take an average game and build an open world around it. You build a game and it evolves into an open world out of necessity. Two different things. You can tell when recent games like GTA 5 and Fallout 4 have inspiration driving them and you want to spend hundreds of hours in them where you have games like Wildlands being more of UbiSofts formula of their ten past games with Tom Clancy's name slapped on it.
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