My version of the Xbox Scorpio will have at the very LEAST a single GTX 1080Ti in it before Microsoft launches their stripped down consolized version in the fall.
@xantufrog: Give me a sec.... nope. It's actually free, for real free so I would have to agree. No one can complain. If I paid to have a service and got games that were way worse than this....
What a load of crap this Switch is, with the exception of the WiiU port of Zelda, almost all it's other games in some way simulate jerking off and fanboys are loving it.
I can't imagine anything else that could possibly be at the bottom of the barrel. Considering Guerrilla games resurgence as a developer you have to expect Killzone Shadow Fall to make an appearance. It's not like they plan to patch it with PS4 Pro support and try to get you to buy it with better graphics like all the other Pro patched games that should have been Plus titles.
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