@plus_1: Another problem with gamers is when Xbox One first launched, fanboys fought tooth and nail that graphics didn't matter as long as the games are fun. In retaliation the then most powerful console ever made, the PS4, xbots claimed the human eye can't see past 720p/30 anyways... blah blah.. Now graphics matter to xbox people and native 4k is more important than checkerboard 4k. Everyone will have a problem no matter what.
@plus_1: I'm not buying the Scorpio for it's games, because clearly it doesn't have any "exclusives". I can play all of them on either PC or PS4 Pro. I'm buying it because its graphics *should* be better than the PS4 Pro. I hate gaming against PC gamers with Keyboard and Mouse. It's impossible to enjoy even a few minutes of anything online related if I want to play on PC with the Xbox One controller just for the sake of superior graphics. If the X gives close enough graphics to PC then I don't mind gaming on a console if it mean a more fair experience. My first game on the X with be Battlefront II, because that's one of the rare few online games I actually want to get.
Gamers flip flop, they almost always go with whatever's best. Xbox 360 to PS4 back to Xbox One X then onto PS5... it's a cycle, games don't drive it, display technology does. It just so happens that in the past few years Xbox was well below average on all fronts and Sony stepped up and became the leader. That will soon pass, like Presidencies, you get good, then bad then good then sometimes INCREDIBLY BAD then with luck, good again.
KhanWasHere's comments