I finished the campaign a week after release. Is it too soon to ask if people are still playing this? Once I see the end credits on a game, I consider it a wrap.
A perfect example of an console exclusive that would justify an Xbox One X because no PC version will be available at least for the first year or more.
This comment section won't be around for long. One right doesn't outweigh a lifetime of wrongs and people know this. Trump can't possibly do enough to prevent an indictment.
@angrycreep: When the kickstarter first launched back in 2014, they indeed had a stretch goal of a "campaign". Somewhere along the way they started changing the wording to get out of making it. The only reason I contributed was the fact they said a campaign was possible if that goal was reached. I hate online multiplayer of almost every kind and would have avoided donating had there been no campaign goal. Sadly, the gaming community is filled with special needs children like 7tizz that never can remember events as they actually happen in reality but the events as they thought they happened they way they dreamed.
KhanWasHere's comments