@punksterdaddy: You're addressing a general populous that has no morals, no dignity, no common sense nor any self discipline. What "minds" are there to possibly change? Like animals that act on instinct, gamers do whatever the hell they want regardless of consequence. If you've ever played an online game with any of them, you will see your opinions are wasted.
@l1quid: hypocrisy is when xbox gamers claim graphics dont matter and the human eye can't see past 720p and then turn around and shout we got the 4K bitches!
@elmarine2064: 720p on the Xbox One I think, why I ditched that failed console long ago. Thank Crom for the X, that will fix things nicely. You really need the Pro in 4K to experience this if you are stuck on consoles and still waiting for the X.
The more a dev talks about how they made great strides in the PC version, the more likely it will have a disastrous launch because real peoples PC's are different than controlled environment builds.
@scottyp360: These monetary Trojan Horses you speak of are traditionally only sold to adults. Video games have a broader spectrum which is mostly made of children with no self control. But these questionable ethics have been in play for years and by now are second nature to younger generations and taken for granted. Like pollution or people that gain fame with no talent because they have a youtube channel. I don't expect you to take a stand, I only expect you to acknowledge the problem exists and you are part of the reason why.
KhanWasHere's comments