@RicanV: People don't seem to realize the bulk of the purchasing public do not buy new games at $60 at launch but wait for prices to drop, sales, used, etc.... Had the "throw it against the wall and see if it sticks" pricing mentality for over charging for new games hadn't happen back in 2000 more people would buy games at launch and company's would be making more money. I distinctly recall an interview with a Microsoft official at the launch of the Xbox, when asked why games are $60, he said because they wanted to test the market and see if it would work. If there was too much push back they would evaluate the pricing and adjust it accordingly. Well... there wasn't and they didn't.
Charge more, less people buy, charge less, more people buy. The sad story here is he general community is under the impression that games are priced too low and the company's have to do whatever they can to generate income but instead, refuse to lower the price of games so everyone can afford to buy them.
Point being, micro transactions of any kind are a toxic side effect of the already knee's deep in the pricing hell of unfair retail costs. I get angry when people make excuses for an industry that has caused the outcome in the first place and up and coming generations just take the information as fact or common place when it is not.
Online multiplayer shooter people upset? Then play the campaign and move on. These systems target gamers with addiction issues. It's like gambling and drugs all rolled up into one. You keep expecting to get that same feeling as the first great item and before you realize it, you are a Destiny zombie sitting at a slot machine starring into the machine pulling the lever for eternity.
The game looks remarkable on the Pro on a 4K tv if you wear dirty glasses or sit about 15 feet away. At a more engaging playing distance there are far too many visual issues and it looks awful. Low resolution, excessive pop in, jaggies, scan lines... Sorry to say. It's really meant for 1080p TV's. Dice did an excellent job with the game but for some reason added an annoying artificial scan-line effect you can only really notice on a good TV at a reasonable distance. Something they did not do on the previous game and that's a shame. It really demonstrates the horsepower needed to create a realistic looking world and how the Pro just can't do it. Come on X, don't let me down...
Considering white supremacists voted in a dictator... I'd say the game is very topical. The supernatural power this dictator has over his cultist followers is even more unnerving.
Rationalism aside, I plan to get this on PC but am damn close to considering the X version. I hope there's a demo so I can at least see how the engine performs on the new hardware.
KhanWasHere's comments