@tom180990: It's the same people. The X will save Microsoft and once Digital Foundry lays the smack down with their 4K comparison analysis' haters will have to find something else to complain about.
Along with my Scorpio arrival in November I'll finally sign up for this service. Been a long time coming! I'd rather spend $30 on a year of early access, games and discounts than some stupid map pack you can only play in multiplayer.
@insothinktank: I've been gaming in 4K on PC for years. I have several reasons why I would prefer gaming on a console instead. Some PS4 Pro games that are true "enhanced" look remarkable and don't make me miss the power pf PC at all. While other Pro games look like total shit and only PC will do. I suspect the X to offset those lesser Pro titles into the remarkable range making the X the 2nd best gaming platform. 2nd close next to PC is pretty good when you've been dead last, even with the Switch in the equation.
My expectation of the X is the games will look better than the PS4 Pro on a proper 4K TV but not as good as the PC on ultra settings. If it's "close" to PC on high settings I will be happy. I don't expect true native 4K on everything and that's not necessary on screen sizes 65" and below but anything above 1800p with proper anti aliasing will be a joy to behold. The Pro has severely dropped the ball in that department. Destiny 2 and Battlefront II look like butt on a large 4K TV using the PRO. Can't wait to see what the X can pull off.
@lemonsway: I could explain, but when a person doesn't understand simple things, explanations tend to cause even more confusion... and at times, total disbelief.
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