@RO-nIn187: Playing the same 6 hours worth of total content over and over again hundreds of times can be done on any game. That's not really a good deal, that's mental retardation of the player. Once I burn through the campaign, uninstalled it shall be.
Dead Rising has already been tainted by Xbox's dark passenger. It won't find any success on PS4 unless it's Pro Enhanced with 4K visuals, under $40 and has a demo. Then it might make a few bucks.
A little late for a launch title but glad to finally see them coming. Infamous and Killzone completely blew my mind when I first hooked up my PS4 on my 125" projection screen. Luckily for those that never tried Infamous, it has a beautiful Pro patch making it one the best looking games out there even by today's standards.
Game ran stable at 4k/60 on my GTX 1080Ti with only MSAA bumped to FXAA and all others settings maxed. Remarkable optimization on this. I just wish games like this didn't look like cartoons and had more photo-realistic look. Like Doom or even Call of Duty.
KhanWasHere's comments