It's remarkable how Xbox gamers slam every new Sony game. Still slamming older Sony games, of which were still released during times when Microsoft was not giving us any games. It speaks volumes about the lower class mentality of brand loyalty vs true gaming. Sony gives us a new Uncharted game, people whine that it's more of the same and not worth it. Sony gives us a Knack sequel, people complain and pass judgement on whomever might buy it because it's a kids game... Nintendo pumps out Knack like garbage on a weekly basis and people would sell their left arms to have it. So the question remains, are you xbox kids that disturbed that Xbox has no exclusives or have you been in toxicity mode so long that you're purely on autopilot now with no way out? Sure the Xbox One X will be a killer console and all my multiplats will likely be on that if not PC but get real. Only Sony is releasing content found no where else that matters and all while Microsoft cancels and delays like it always does. Enjoy Recore Rehashed I guess...
@chiefwiggum16: Knack fills a platforming hole that seems to always haunt next gen consoles. But being a Sony game, they provide games across multiple genres because they are a gaming company. Microsoft covers their ears and run and hide from the rain by canceling and delaying games. I wouldn't call them smart. Releasing a new console still doesn't make any new games appear.
Just finished Lost Legacy over the weekend. Yes, it's an Uncharted game and yes it has the same formula but that's why people come back. The same reason people go back to Halo or Forza or any other franchise so stop your bitching people. It's an amazing game filled with excellent and interesting voice acting, remarkable environments and fun & interesting puzzles and exploration. The graphics are some some of best any console can offer right now especially on 4K TV with HDR. You can't go wrong with any of it. Even the length was just right. One of the areas even got me a little queezy because of its vastness and the height in which was climbed. Easy recommendation. Naughty Dog are in a category all their own.
I already have it on PC but never finished it. Maybe I'll revisit this after I get the X. Seems I'll be revisiting more older games on it than I will anything newer. Kind of a good thing since I never finished a bulk of the games I tried to play on the old Xbox One.
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