@gamingdevil800: Any antique shop should have a pair of 70's specs laying around. But without the glasses the game just looks like the landfill E.T. was pulled from.
@newagegamersare: therr are plenty of people like that, don't be another one. The xox is going to be a great console with or without exclusive games just for the console. Its for 4k gamers, not casuals.
We have many fans... so many fans. More fans than any other console in the history of consoles. We've sold so, so many Scorpio's it's impossible to count. In fact, the counting machines tracking Xbox One X sales literally broke down, I tell you the truth. As one of our great great leaders once said, and this man is the greatest man to ever live, "Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove that you are right"...
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