I finish games that are good and I like. I didn't make it past 4 hours with this one. It lacked a soul, anyone that's played a compelling game you can't walk away from know exactly what I mean.
I traveled back in time to when the Xbox 360 was in it's prime and Microsoft was the dominant force in console gaming. I asked them if they would consider a unified community with cross play on PlayStation and they told me to go f**k myself. I returned to let you all know.
I just returned from the future where Sony agreed to their terms and it turns out they got shafted hard by all the Live outages and gamers kept blaming Sony... People kept getting kicked from Destiny 4 Raids with the "yomamma" error code and excessive lag caused many to abandon Call of Duty 9: World War Trump and had to abandon it's online feature completely. I had to come back here to let you all know that too. You're welcome.
Considering the massive player base the original game had and still has, only a vocal minority online really demand that 60fps, all the rest don't give a shit and are having too much fun to even care. Playing it on PS4 when it launched didn't phase me at all. If I have to have 60fps for some bizarre reason I'll just play whatever on my PC.
But I do understand the frustration with games not having it, especially on a brand new $500 console that is meant for "enthusiast" gamers.
KhanWasHere's comments