Virtua Fighter 5 this gen and Soul Calibur overall.
kumarab's forum posts
I dunno why some of you are going aggro on GeneralShowzer. He's right; this game isdesigned like a console action RPG. Heck, even CDProjekt themselves say that the gameplay is heavily inspired by Demon's Souls. They even like to draw similarities between them and From Software. Just read this interview..
Being designed like a console action RPG doesn't necessarily mean "dumbed down" or a bad game by default.
It is expensive in terms of purchasing power parity, notliterally if you do like-for-like currency conversions.
Here in India, we pay anything from 1700-2200 INR for newly releasedconsole games. That's like between 40-50USD. Heck, I pre-ordered KZ3 CE for 2424INR, that's like 54 USD.
I'm surprised to say that I actually agree. It has nothing to do with gamepad being better than KB/M, hell no...KB/M will alwaysoutclass a gamepad when it comes to the FPS genre.
What is worth noting is the fact, that in console FPS gaming(be it competitive or casual), everyone is on an equal playing ground. It's only the individual skill that separates a good player from agreat player. When it comes to PC's however, someone with a generic KB/M will definitely be outmatched by another wielding a Razr Deathadder, even if both are at the same skill level.
I think that's what the TC is implying with the "more fun" part of it.
Alma and Awakened Alma--Ninja Gaiden Black
Murai--Ninja Gaiden Black
Hydra--God of War
End Boss--Contra Hard Corps
Flamelurker--Demon's Souls
Sisters of Fate--God of War 2
Euryale--God of War 2
Agni and Rudra--DMC 3
Elvis--God Hand
I can understand the complaints about streamlining some things and ripping off stuff (like looting/armor customization for companions etc), BUT I just don't get the "dumbing" down of the combat argument. It's exactly the same combat, albeit much faster. I also don't get the "less strategic" bit...I have had to micro manage a lot of times on Normal already. FWIW, the combat actually forces you to be smarter this time around with no's like you're micro-managing the micro-management(if that made sense).
Anyway,I've been loving it so far. The characterization was certainly better in DAO(esp. the companions), but otherwise this is a solid game. I really don't get where all this hate is coming from, and I loved DAO too.
^^Thanks man. Your nick doesn't look familiar though, did you post often on the NG2 board? Anyway, I'm glad the vids helped you. I'm so pumped for NG3..2012 can't come soon enough.
Hack n slash and pretty much all melee combat/combo oriented games.
@NotAStalker--Standards do play an important role, within their resonable limits. Your example of Ocarina releasing today is just hypthesis--do you honestly think if Ocarina was released today, it would be exactly the same as it was 13 years ago? The same grpahics/sounds/level design/game mechanics? I's pretty obvious it wouldn't score well if it released in it's exact present state..doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that.
What matters is what a game developer did in thier time; taking account of all the technical as well as monetary resources that were available to them. You can't really compare Wolf 3D/Doom and saythey suck compared to Crysis/BF3 or any DX11 game coming out because it lacks tesselation, godrays, bumpmapping, DX10/11 textures and what not. Why? Well...that sh** didn't exist then. Again, standards do play a role, but only when you take into account the platforms power, the technology available at the time and many other factors that go into making a game.
^^This standards argument is something I see thrown around quite often in SW, and quite's nonsense. Ocarina of Time came out in 1998, so what should it score according to you? 7 or 7.5? Since you seem to think it's oh so very logical to deduct a 0.5 every 4 years or so. What should Soul Calibur have scored?
Really, this doesn't make any sense. Games are always scored for what they have achieved during their time. Some stand the test of time..some don't. You can't just arbitrarily go about deducting from their scores coz they were released earlier.
EDIT--This post was responding to leadernator's post.
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