@Massikker Uh dude read the article again, Microsoft didn't make any decision, the US patent office denied the renewal of the patent, until they get it renewed Microsoft's hands are tied by the government
Congratulations, you successfully removed a very minute accidental slogan in a game map, meanwhile the Japanese have an entire animation industry dedicated to bastardizing christian imagery (I'm looking at you Neon Genesis) for profit but do we give a damn?, Hellz no, give us more Jesus robots!!!!
yeah the HD treatment may actually clear up the main flaws of the first game, it was a great game hidden beneath an inconsistent framerate and sound, and grainy graphics. I am all for this
@DevilD2005 Dude I wish the same thing, at the very least they should re-do it with voiceovers and better graphics for the vita, so I can actually have a reason to play the damn thing
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