@MAD_AI @Styxxer @EliOli Because when the hardware is known to you, you can optomize and playtest significantly easier, PC development on the other hand is much more of a shot in the dark, which is why most PC games now are either made only for PC (planetside 2, which by the way is actually, although pretty, a graphically understated game for the sake of performance, and people are still complaining about performance, its a hog) or are console ports.
@Halloll @kyle756 I would gladly pay a 1 time increased fee for back-compat over a significantly higher price of purchasing emulated games over again any day
@chun-IDGAF-li @kyle756 , first off, there is no deserving involved in making purchases making your comment just stupid. Second off, I own a PS3, so I really have no idea where you are going with this
Remember the original ps3 batarang and the sixaxis?, well apparently Sony does not, their efforts should solely be on making PSN not so freaking backwards thought out in regards to account creation and management
Thank God he isn't running again, I have been so tired of my state electing the same damn senators year after year and the woman running against him was poised to kick his ass, Rockefeller made this bill in a last ditch attempt at swaying our state. Good freaking riddance.
kyle756's comments